US Reporter


What is a Sherpa Step?

Ever thought about trekking in high altitudes? Worried about losing your breath? There is a technique that can help you not only explore majestic heights but can help you enjoy them every step of the way. It’s called the Sherpa Step.

The Sherpas, native Nepalese mountain people who are known for their physical prowess at extreme altitudes, hike up steep hills in a distinctive style called the Sherpa step. It is a particularly useful technique for saving energy when carrying heavy loads up inclines where there is little oxygen in the air. The Sherpa step is also used to help trekkers acclimate to the altitude, preventing altitude sickness.

Trekking in the Himalayas requires participants to cover long distances as well as negotiate long ascents and descents. The Sherpa step will quickly become your friend! How does it work?

When you find yourself tired and really short of breath, it’s time to slow things down a bit. Take smaller steps, breathe as you walk, and slow down. Each step should take about 3 seconds. It feels awkward at first, but trust me, it helps! 

Our treks are led by incredible guides. Tshering, a native Sherpa from the Khumbu Valley in Nepal, has not only accompanied us on many treks but is also an incredible friend and a part of our Nepalese family. As we get higher in altitude, Tshering will pace the group by teaching the Sherpa step.  

“Without Tshering, I would not have made it to 17,000 feet (EBC). He saw me struggling with the climb and the altitude on the first day in the mountains and took the time to teach me the “Sherpa walk,” which allows your body to regulate breathing and heart rate much more efficiently,” says Tomasz EBC 2018.

Once you master this way of walking, you will be able to climb for many hours a day. 

Join us! Driftwood Adventure Treks will be going to the Gokyo Lakes, Everest Base Camp, Mustang Region, and Annapurna Base Camp in 2024 to 2025.

Become a Scrum Master: An experiential program for gaining real-life Scrum experience.

By: AK Infinite

Scrum is an excellent approach to managing software development projects. It breaks down work in small iterations of about two weeks called Sprints and allows for frequent updates to the plan based on feedback from customers. The Scrum Master role is pivotal in using the Scrum framework and improving the team’s effectiveness.

For people who are seeking a new job in this field, having real-life experience in managing a Scrum team and delivering a project using Scrum is often a make-or-break point in getting invited to a job interview. And for existing Scrum Masters who may be seeking new experiences to hone their skills, there are not many opportunities out there to develop real-life experience while getting coached by an expert Scrum Master.

The “Become a Scrum Master” program is a 5-week experiential program where participants work on a real project using Scrum, build real-life experience acting as Scrum Masters, and receive coaching along the way.

This experiential program uses active learning through direct experience, practical application, coaching, and focused reflection. The goal is to help students bridge the gap between theory and practice, allowing them to apply what they’ve learned in real-world settings. At the end of the program, participants have the practical experience of managing a project using Scrum and helping a Scrum team improve its effectiveness.

The program is led by Valerio Zanini, a Certified Scrum Trainer (CST) with over two decades of experience in Scrum and Product Management. His company, 5D Vision, is a consulting firm based in Washington, DC, specializing in agile and product innovation. Valerio also runs Truly Scrum, a service to learn, grow, and improve the adoption of Scrum.

Valerio emphasizes the pivotal role of Scrum Masters and how their responsibility extends beyond basic practices. According to him, the key lies in cultivating both hard skills, such as knowing Jira or establishing team capacity, and soft skills, including facilitating improved communication and psychological safety within teams. Scrum Masters should empower teams to take ownership of practices while assuming the roles of guides and coaches to promote continuous improvement.

Valerio’s commitment to the Scrum Master role is evident in his unique approach to training. His experiential program is designed to bridge the gap between theory and practice, preparing individuals for real-world Scrum Master positions. 

The Course

The “Become a Scrum Master” course is designed to give participants an opportunity to apply Scrum to a real project and practice the various aspects of running Scrum with a team. The course is structured over five weeks and is divided into five Sprints. Sprint 1 sets the groundwork for the project, while Sprints 2 to 5 focus on project work and practicing all the Scrum events. Each week, the participants execute a Sprint while acting as Scrum Master on the team. 

For each Sprint, the participants execute Sprint Planning, Daily Scrum, Sprint Review, and Retrospective. They may also identify impediments and solve conflicts within the teams. All this is designed to build expertise and confidence as Scrum Masters.

Throughout the program, participants build an online store selling physical products of their choice. In building the store, they need to make decisions about the project, acting as Product Owners. They also need to complete the work, acting as Developers. By practicing the various roles on a Scrum team, the participants learn the different responsibilities of the roles and develop a deeper understanding of the complexities of managing a Scrum team.

The work is managed using Jira and other tools. In the process, the participants learn how to set up, use, and update the tools.

With this program, participants get a well-rounded hands-on experience being a Scrum Master, applying Scrum practices, and facilitating Scrum events. In addition, they get coaching along the way, helping them refine their understanding of practices and tools and improve their facilitation skills with the Scrum events.

Who this course is for

If you are an aspiring Scrum Master, someone looking for a career change, or a Scrum Master looking to develop deeper expertise in managing Scrum, you may consider this program. This course is for you if you want to:

  • Gain more experience as a Scrum Master with the Scrum framework and tools. 
  • Get hands-on, practical experience with a Scrum team, regardless of your knowledge about Scrum. 
  • Build your confidence in mastering the Scrum process in a real-life application.
  • Prepare for job interviews or to grow in your career.

The outcomes of this comprehensive course are multifaceted. Participants not only acquire practical experience as Scrum Masters but also develop proficiency in using tools commonly employed in the field. They learn to facilitate Scrum events effectively, driving action items for team improvement. The course builds confidence in Scrum Master abilities by providing a benchmark for activities and coaching for growth.

Some of the benefits offered by the program 

The program is a great help for people interested in becoming a Scrum Master or in growing their expertise. If you have a Scrum certification like CSM or PSM and you seek hands-on, real-life experience to build your resume and increase your chances of building a career in Scrum, you should consider joining this program.

By enrolling in the “Become a Scrum Master” program participants get:

  • Practice setting up productivity tools. Learn how to set up and navigate tools Scrum Masters use to manage and track projects, such as  Kanban boards, Jira, Trello, and Miro.
  • Experience in facilitating Scrum events. Guide your teams through Sprint Planning, Sprint Review, Daily Scrum, and Retrospective. This also includes solving impediments and driving continuous improvement with action items. 
  • Build confidence in your Scrum Master abilities. Compare your activities and results to that of an experienced Scrum Master, and get coaching to support your growth. Throughout the program, participants receive coaching on Scrum Master responsibilities, Scrum application, and methods for continuous improvement.
  • Practice Scrum on an actual project. While developing digital and physical products as an actual project, build your appreciation for the Product Owner role by taking responsibility for project planning. 
  • Build your set of stories. Harness your job interview skills by preparing for a Scrum Master job interview. Create a compelling story based on your real-life experiences. 

Valerio’s approach to Scrum Master training transcends traditional classroom methods, providing a holistic and immersive experience that prepares individuals for the dynamic challenges of the Scrum Master career. Through his program, he empowers aspiring Scrum Masters to bridge the gap between theory and practice, fostering a new generation of agile leaders poised for success in the ever-evolving world of product development.

You can enroll here:

FlyFrames Is A Visionary Leap into Eyewear Excellence

By: Samuel Mitchell

In the ever-evolving landscape of eyewear, where trends flicker like shooting stars, FlyFrames emerges as a luminary, rewriting the narrative of sunglasses under the astute leadership of CEO Daniel Samimi. This New York-based eyewear brand isn’t merely crafting frames; it’s scripting a story that seamlessly interweaves historical allure with cutting-edge technology, etching a distinguished mark in the world of sunglasses.

At the core of FlyFrames‘ saga is the revival of the Pinze-Nez design, a timeless style from the 14th century. Samimi’s vision surpasses the mundane creation of eyewear; it seeks to resurrect a style entwined with history. This revival wasn’t a spontaneous phenomenon but rather a meticulously orchestrated six-year odyssey, exploring over 100 styles. The result is FlyFrames, a brand symbolizing individuality in an industry often saturated with conformity.

What sets FlyFrames apart isn’t just its historical muse but its unwavering commitment to innovation, epitomized by the groundbreaking Flyer Technology. This patent-pending marvel features a unique spring mechanism connected to the nose pads, addressing a common woe among eyewear enthusiasts—sunglasses slipping off. Samimi accentuates how this technology not only ensures stability but also metamorphoses eyewear into a bold style statement.

Q: What inspired the creation of FlyFrames and the decision to challenge the traditional eyewear industry?

In an exclusive conversation with US Reporter, Samimi unveils the inspiration behind FlyFrames—a desire to liberate from the monotony of conventional eyewear. The resurgence of the 14th-century Pinze-Nez design became the beacon, a style ensconced in history begging for a contemporary revival. FlyFrames, born from this spark, stands as a testament to challenging industry norms and infusing a unique historical perspective into modern eyewear.

Q: How does Flyer Technology enhance the user experience compared to traditional eyewear?

The distinctive Flyer Technology takes center stage in FlyFrames’ narrative. Samimi details the patent-pending innovation—a unique spring mechanism connected to the nose pads. This technology not only addresses the common woe of slipping sunglasses but also provides a secure, adaptable fit. FlyFrames stands out by rejecting the cookie-cutter approach, ensuring that each pair not only shields your eyes but makes a bold statement with unmatched functionality.

Q: Navigating challenges in modernizing a historic design like Pinze-Nez is unique. How did FlyFrames approach this journey?

The CEO delves into the challenges faced during FlyFrames’ six-year journey. With over 100 styles explored, each millimeter meticulously considered, modernizing the historic Pinze-Nez design required a delicate touch. The decision to retain wings on each side reflects a commitment to style and uniqueness. FlyFrames strikes a harmonious balance, seamlessly blending tradition with innovation to create eyewear that pays homage to the past while embracing the demands of the modern era.

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Since its debut, FlyFrames has not only disrupted the eyewear market but has also soared as a symbol of individuality and style. With a product that seamlessly marries tradition and innovation, FlyFrames isn’t just eyewear; it’s a visionary leap into the future of fashion. As we gaze ahead, FlyFrames illuminates the path—an embodiment of excellence and a beacon in the realm of eyewear innovation.

Accelerate Your Holistic Healing With These 4 Practices

In recent years, the shift towards holistic healing has gained remarkable momentum. This approach is not just about treating symptoms; it’s about diving deep into the root cause of ailments and addressing them through a comprehensive, integrative approach. Holistic healing acknowledges that our physical health is inextricably linked to our mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. By adopting certain practices, you can speed up your healing process, ensuring a balanced and healthy life. Here, we will uncover four transformative practices that can be easily incorporated into your daily routine to accelerate your holistic healing.

Mindful Meditation Offers a Gateway to Inner Peace

Mindful meditation is a cornerstone practice in holistic healing. It involves focusing your mind on the present moment, and observing your thoughts and feelings without judgment. This practice offers a plethora of health benefits, including stress reduction, improved mental clarity, and enhanced emotional well-being. By practicing mindful meditation, you create a space of tranquility and awareness in your life. This heightened state of consciousness not only fosters inner peace but also strengthens your ability to cope with everyday challenges.

Engaging in just 10 to 15 minutes of meditation daily can bring significant changes. It helps in lowering blood pressure, reducing anxiety, and improving sleep quality. Plus, meditation can increase your self-awareness, leading to better decision-making and improved relationships. Start by finding a quiet space, sitting comfortably, and focusing on your breath. Let your thoughts come and go, and gently bring your attention back to your breathing whenever your mind wanders. With consistent practice, meditation becomes a powerful tool for holistic healing, harmonizing your mind, body, and spirit.

Spiritual Nourishment Through Bible Verses

Bible verses can be a profound source of comfort, guidance, and strength, contributing significantly to physical, emotional, and spiritual healing. For many, these sacred texts are not just words but a pathway to deeper understanding and peace. Integrating Bible study and reflection into your daily routine can be a powerful practice in your holistic healing journey.

By meditating on certain verses, you can find a deep sense of peace and reassurance. This practice allows you to connect with a higher power, offering a unique perspective and wisdom that can be instrumental in healing. Spending time in scripture can be a daily reminder of your strength and resilience, aiding in holistic healing and personal growth.

Embrace Nature With The Healing Power of the Outdoors

Immersing yourself in nature is a transformative practice for holistic healing. The natural world has a unique way of harmonizing our physical, mental, and spiritual states, offering a serene escape from the hustle and bustle of daily life. This connection with the outdoors is not just refreshing but is scientifically proven to have numerous health benefits.

Spending time in green spaces can lower stress hormones, improve mood, and enhance physical well-being. Activities like hiking, gardening, or even a simple walk in the park can significantly boost your mental health, reducing symptoms of anxiety and depression. Nature’s calming effect on the mind also fosters mindfulness and a sense of present-moment awareness, which are crucial for emotional healing.

The fresh air, the soothing sounds of nature, and the visual splendor of the environment work together to rejuvenate your spirit. This natural therapy helps reset your biological rhythms, improves sleep patterns, and increases your overall vitality. Embracing the outdoors is a simple yet profound step towards achieving a balanced and harmonious state of health.

Nutritional Wellness to Fuel Your Body and Soul

The adage “you are what you eat” holds profound truth, especially in the realm of holistic healing. Nutritional wellness plays a pivotal role in maintaining and enhancing both physical and mental health. A balanced diet, rich in nutrients, not only nourishes your body but also impacts your emotional and spiritual well-being.

Incorporating a variety of whole foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins can significantly improve your physical health by boosting immunity, enhancing energy levels, and reducing the risk of chronic diseases. Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, for instance, are not only good for your heart but also beneficial for brain health, impacting mood and cognitive function.

Beyond physical nourishment, mindful eating practices can transform your relationship with food into a more meaningful and spiritual experience. Paying attention to what you eat, savoring each bite, and being grateful for the nourishment can lead to a deeper appreciation of food and its life-sustaining role. This holistic approach to nutrition ensures that every meal contributes to your overall healing and wellness.

Fusing Elegance with Novelty: Trendsetting Ideas for Your 2024 Wedding

As the world embraces the winds of change, the realm of weddings is not far behind. Each year brings forth a fresh wave of trends that add a unique touch to nuptial celebrations. As we inch closer to 2024, the anticipation to tie the knot in a distinctive and contemporary style is burgeoning among couples. Please keep reading to unravel the top trends that are set to redefine weddings in 2024, ensuring your celebration is not only etched in memories but also stands as a testimony to the evolving wedding culture.

Wedding Sparklers and Atmospheric Elegance

Creating a surreal and enchanting ambiance is at the forefront of wedding trends as we approach 2024. The magic lies in the details. Employ the use of lighting to create a whimsical atmosphere as the sun dips below the horizon. As darkness descends, light up the night with wedding sparklers that add a touch of magic and provide a picturesque moment for photographs. The twinkling sparklers against the night sky create a stellar effect, embarking on a journey that promises a lifetime of sparkle and shimmer.

Embracing Eco-Friendly Practices

As awareness about environmental conservation grows, the trend of eco-friendly weddings is gaining momentum. Opt for digital invitations over paper, choose locally sourced flowers and food, and consider a venue that champions sustainability. Moreover, encourage recycling by having designated bins and donating leftover food to local shelters. By making these eco-conscious choices, you contribute towards reducing the carbon footprint of your celebration, making a statement of responsibility alongside celebrating love.

Fashion that Resonates Confidence

The bridal fashion of 2024 is veering towards designs that exude confidence and self-assurance. Select outfits that make you feel empowered, comfortable, and beautiful. This year is about embracing silhouettes that help you stand tall despite your insecurities, celebrating the strength and resilience that define you. Opt for designers who advocate body positivity and inclusivity, ensuring that your wedding attire is a reflection of your personality, values, and the love that you are celebrating.

Incorporating Tech-savvy Elements

The digital realm continues to weave into the fabric of wedding celebrations. As we enter 2024, employing technology to enhance the guest experience is in vogue. Consider creating a wedding website or an app where guests can RSVP, find event details, and interact with each other. During the celebration, live streaming the event for distant relatives and friends is a thoughtful touch. Additionally, employing drones for aerial photography or using VR technology for venue tours before the big day are exciting ways to infuse tech-savvy elements into your celebration.

The Modern Interpretation of Wedding Veils

Wedding veils are making a sophisticated comeback, with modern interpretations that blend tradition with contemporary aesthetics. The veils of 2024 are designed to complement the bridal attire, adding a layer of charisma and elegance. Whether you choose a veil adorned with delicate lace, intricate embroidery, or a sleek minimalist design, ensure it resonates with your personal style and the overall theme of the wedding. This year, veils are more than just an accessory; they are a statement of grace, weaving the old with the new in a veil of love.

Creating Memorable Experiences

Moving beyond just visual appeal, creating a memorable experience for guests is a trend set to dominate 2024. Incorporate interactive food stations, live performances, or even a mini carnival for younger guests. Consider having a themed photo booth with props or arranging for a live band to play requests. The goal is to create an engaging atmosphere where guests can create beautiful memories as they celebrate your union.

The horizon of 2024 is adorned with wedding trends that are not only visually enchanting but also rich in meaningful and personalized experiences. From the whimsical glow of wedding sparklers to the embrace of eco-conscious practices and the elegant drapes of modern wedding veils, each trend is a chapter in crafting a celebration that mirrors contemporary values while honoring timeless traditions. Moreover, as modern celebrations evolve, the inclusion of unique elements like gender reveal ideas during wedding festivities adds a personal touch, making your celebration the epitome of modern love. Embrace these trends to create a wedding celebration that’s as unique, beautiful, and forward-thinking as the love you share.

Embrace Health Like The Stars – The Role of Art and Culture in Healing

In the glamorous and high-stakes world of celebrity culture, where every move is scrutinized and every flaw magnified, the need for healing and personal growth is often paramount. Art and culture, with their profound and diverse influences, have become integral to this healing journey. This article explores how art and culture, in their myriad forms, contribute to the healing process, especially for those engrossed in the fast-paced, high-pressure realm of celebrity life.

Embracing Nature’s Palette – The Healing Power of Art

At the heart of art’s therapeutic power is its ability to provoke emotions and thoughts and inspire change. For celebrities, who live much of their lives in the public eye, engaging with art can offer a private sanctuary. Herbonology, a practice that combines the essence of herbal knowledge and artistic expression, is gaining traction in celebrity circles. It’s more than just a trend; it’s a lifestyle that promotes wellness through nature. By integrating natural elements into their artistic practices, celebrities find a unique way to connect with a world beyond the artificial glitz of the entertainment industry.

Cultural Rhythms as a Pathway to Emotional Wellness

In its broadest sense, culture encompasses the customs, arts, social institutions, and achievements of a particular nation, people, or social group. For celebrities, immersing themselves in different cultural experiences can be a grounding force. Participating in cultural rituals, exploring world music, or learning about ancestral traditions allows them to step outside their celebrity persona and reconnect with humanity at a fundamental level. This cultural journey often leads to a deeper understanding of self and a renewed sense of belonging in the world.

Orange County Rehabs – A Convergence of Art, Culture, and Healing

Perhaps nowhere is the intersection of art, culture, and healing more evident than in the drug rehab centers in Orange County. These centers are at the forefront of incorporating artistic and cultural therapies into their recovery programs. Celebrities, facing the unique pressures of their lifestyles, find solace and healing in these havens. The programs offered at Orange County rehabs often include art therapy, music therapy, and cultural immersion, recognizing that healing is about overcoming addiction and rediscovering one’s identity and purpose through creative expression.

The Role of Fashion and Design in Self-Expression and Recovery

Fashion and design hold a special place in the realm of celebrity culture. They are not just about aesthetics; they represent a form of self-expression and identity. For many celebrities, engaging with fashion and design is a therapeutic process. It allows them to project their inner transformations onto a physical medium. Customizing their style or involving themselves in design projects can be a powerful tool for self-reflection and personal growth, offering a creative outlet for the emotions and experiences that are often difficult to articulate.

Culinary Arts – Nourishing Body and Soul

The culinary arts offer a unique form of healing, combining creativity with the basic human need for nourishment. Even celebrities struggle with healthy food relationships and often face immense pressure to maintain a certain image. Engaging in the culinary arts, whether through cooking classes or exploring diverse cuisines, allows them to reconnect with the simple pleasures of eating and understand food as a source of both physical and mental well-being. This journey through the culinary arts is not just about eating; it’s about discovering food as a form of cultural expression and a means to heal the body and soul.

Film and Theatre as Mirrors to the Soul

Film and theater have long been mediums through which individuals explore and understand the human condition. Participating in or even just witnessing these art forms can be a deeply cathartic experience for celebrities. These platforms allow them to explore various facets of human emotion and experience, often reflecting their personal journeys. Whether it’s through acting in a thought-provoking play or getting lost in the narrative of a profound film, celebrities find in these art forms a mirror to their souls, offering insights and perspectives that aid in their personal healing journeys.

The role of art and culture in healing, particularly within celebrity culture, is multi-faceted and profound. From the serene practices of herbonology to the expressive realms of fashion, design, culinary arts, film, and theater, these elements offer avenues for self-discovery, emotional release, and personal growth. In a world where the pressure to maintain a public persona is relentless, art and culture provide a much-needed space for celebrities to reconnect with their authentic selves and embark on a true healing journey.

The Unseen Holiday Challenge: Understanding Foster Children’s Emotional Journey

As holiday lights twinkle and carols fill the air, not every child feels the warmth of this festive season. For foster children, the holidays can bring a mix of emotions, far from the joy and stability many of us take for granted.

The Hidden Struggle

Foster children often struggle with feelings of dislocation and loyalty conflicts during the holidays. While many families are gathering and celebrating traditions, these children might be navigating new environments, missing their biological families, and grappling with feelings of guilt for enjoying their foster family’s celebrations. Sharon, founder of Foster Care Training Today, is an advocate committed to empowering foster families to help the children thrive. She is calling awareness to the unique challenges children in foster care face during the holiday season.

The Unseen Holiday Challenge: Understanding Foster Children's Emotional Journey

Photo Credited to Nicolette Moore

Having an Empathetic Approach

Sharon emphasizes the importance of understanding these emotional dynamics. She notes that foster children may withdraw or show signs of stress, not because they aren’t grateful or happy, but because they are processing complex emotions. Sharon’s approach is one of empathy and patience, encouraging foster parents to create a space where children can feel safe and understood, no matter what emotions they’re experiencing.

Foster Care By The Numbers

The need for such understanding is critical. According to Child Welfare Information Gateway, an online resource for the public about Foster Care, as of April 2023, there were around 400,000 children in foster care in the United States. The holiday season, with its emphasis on family and tradition, can exacerbate feelings of loss and separation for these children. This is where Sharon’s work becomes invaluable. Through her programs at “Foster Care Training Today,” she equips foster families with the skills to navigate these challenges.

Navigating Key Resources

An important resource Sharon advocates for is the National Foster Care & Adoption Directory (NFCAD), accessible via This directory offers a wealth of information for those interested in becoming foster parents, as well as resources to support current foster families.

The Impact of CASA

Another key element that Sharon stresses is the role of CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates). CASAs are volunteers who represent the best interests of a child in the foster care system. They are often a stable presence in these children’s lives, attending school meetings and court hearings, and ensuring that the child’s voice is heard. Sharon believes that more awareness and support for CASA can significantly improve the experiences of foster children. If fostering children is not possible for you, consider enrolling into CASA. 

How to Help This Holiday Season

This holiday season, Sharon encourages tangible actions to support these children. Donating toys, clothes, and funds to foster care agencies can bring direct relief and joy. Volunteering time or considering becoming a CASA are other impactful ways to make a difference.

A Season of Giving and Understanding

The holiday season is a time of giving and kindness. For foster children, the gift of understanding and support can be life-changing. Sharon’s advocacy and programs aim to illuminate the challenges these children face, inspiring a community response that brings real hope and change. By engaging with resources like and supporting organizations like CASA, each of us can contribute to a brighter holiday season for foster children.


Gaukhar Urazgaliyeva: Every person has opportunities for a worthy journey

By: Lynda Gomez

Today, there is considerable competition in the educational services market. Alongside numerous state preschool institutions, private kindergartens and child development centers are emerging. Often, these are opened by young mothers dissatisfied with the quality of the educational process in municipal childcare facilities. As it is well-known, the first years of a child’s life serve as the foundation for their future development and the formation of knowledge, skills, and abilities. This is precisely why there is a demand for child development centers. A successful entrepreneur from Kazakhstan, the founder and director of the “Allem” American Educational Development Center, Gaukhar Urazgaliyeva, confidently occupies her niche in the educational services market. We asked her how the idea of starting a business in a segment where she wasn’t initially a specialist came about, how she manages to balance her career and family, and inquired about her plans for the future.

Gaukhar, how did the idea of opening a children’s educational center come about?

When my first daughter was born, I actively engaged with her using various early development methods. Even then, thoughts about creating my own center, which would help parents save time and allow children to develop in multiple directions simultaneously, began to take shape in my mind. This idea was worked on for several years because I needed to find something that was not yet present in the preschool education market. Dreams began to turn into plans after the birth of my second daughter, and after some time, the work on creating the “Allem” center began.

In recent times, there has been a proliferation of private kindergartens and development centers. Were you not afraid of competition when opening your center?

Indeed, statistics show that both state and private preschool institutions are growing rapidly. This is due to the increasing number of children every year. Currently, only in Astana, there are around 500 municipal kindergartens and about 200 educational centers. However, this did not frighten me at all when I opened my business, as the issue of a shortage of places remains relevant in Kazakhstan. I generally view competition positively. It only encourages us to develop and become better.

What sets your center apart from others?

The main distinction of “Allem” from other preschool educational institutions lies in its teaching methodology and individualized approach. In our center, children engage in activities either individually or in small groups. Separate schedules and programs are created for each child or group, initially chosen by the parents. All of this makes us unique and distinguishes us from competitors.

Tell us about your teaching methodology for children.

Our methodology follows the American education system and is unique. It focuses on learning a new language, instilling a love for learning, and fostering a passion for reading books. Through a carefully crafted curriculum and activities in music, choreography, drawing, and sports, our educators bring out the positive qualities, intelligence, and creative abilities of our students.

What opportunities do children who attend the “Allem” center have, and how many children have you educated in the 5 years of operation?

The level of preparation enables children to easily enroll in the most prestigious schools in Kazakhstan and abroad. Over the course of our center’s operation, we have educated more than 400 children, receiving an equal number of positive reviews from grateful parents.

One aspect of the teaching methodology at “Allem” is instilling a love for reading books. Although it’s rare to find adults who read them today, why is it important for you?

To acquire new knowledge, our children increasingly use the internet. According to discouraging sociological data, we are witnessing the rise of a second generation of children who manage without books. With the advancement of new technologies, libraries are fading away, but it shouldn’t be so. A nation of readers is not only a country’s cultural heritage but also a necessary condition for breakthroughs in economic development. Personally, I love reading books and make it a point to allocate time for it. I enjoy reading books to children, especially illustrated ones. I’ve even established my own English children’s library in Kazakhstan and the first English children’s reading club.

Where do you find the time and energy to be a good mother, wife, and a successful businesswoman at the same time?

I believe that each of us has a mission in this life, and I strive to follow the path that the Almighty has set for me. He is the inexhaustible source of my strength and inner energy, enabling me to draw inspiration and motivation not only from my family and loved ones but primarily from within myself. With His help, I can achieve my goals and be successful in both business and family life. I think that is the key to my success.

I am also immensely grateful to my husband, Aidos, for his tremendous support, to my daughters and son who encourage me to move forward, and to my parents and my spouse’s parents, as well as my dear sisters.

I love my family, my children, and what I create.

Gaukhar, do you have strategic plans for the coming years?

I plan to conduct research in the field of preschool education in Kazakhstan and implement the program in all educational centers. I also want to introduce an improved American education methodology developed by me into state libraries and schools. In my plans, I aim to open similar educational creative centers in the United States and increase the number of libraries in each state. Everything behind this will serve the interests of America and undoubtedly bring benefits of national significance.

From the editorial team: We thank Gaukhar Urazgaliyeva for the interesting conversation and sincerely wish her success in realizing all her ideas and plans.


Marina Uritskaya: Embracing Transformation Through Energy and Truth

Interviewer: Marina, your journey into energy practices is genuinely remarkable. Can you share the pivotal moment that led you to embrace your role as a hereditary healer and energy practitioner?

Marina Uritskaya: Thank you for having me. My transformative journey began with a significant life test – my daughter’s incurable disease. Through healing her with my energy, faith, and loving heart, I discovered my true path. It’s incredible how difficulties can unveil one’s destiny.

Interviewer: Energy practices vary among specialists. What, in your opinion, is the crucial element in practical energy work?

Marina Uritskaya: The purity of the energy and vibrations of the practitioner is paramount. The more evident and higher the vibration, the better one can assist others. Practitioners must develop themselves, as their unresolved issues can unintentionally harm those they aim to help.

Interviewer: People approach you with diverse needs. How do you interact with clients, and what is your approach to assisting them?

Marina Uritskaya: I work with clients individually, addressing a range of needs from money and self-love to relationships and health. A diagnostic session helps clients identify their starting points and goals. I emphasize a work partnership where the client and I share responsibility for the transformation process.

Marina Uritskaya: Embracing Transformation Through Energy and Truth

Photo Credit: Marina Uritskaya

Interviewer: Can you explain how your method differs from traditional psychology and what results clients can expect?

Marina Uritskaya: My method delves much more profound than traditional psychology. It’s designed for instant change, working to free individuals from deep-seated traumas, blocks, and programs. After a session or completing my course, clients often experience instant results, expanded consciousness, and the ability to neutralize negative emotions through awareness.

Interviewer: Your practices seem to have side effects, such as facial rejuvenation. Can you elaborate on these effects and the transformations clients undergo?

Marina Uritskaya: Indeed, at the end of a session, clients often experience facial relaxation and rejuvenation. The positive effects extend beyond the physical to complete transformations in life. The same applies to participants completing my online course, “Transformation of Reality,” where results are often incredible.

Interviewer: How can individuals use energy practices to remove blocks and enhance their energy?

Marina Uritskaya: Regular use of energy practices is vital, especially for those not yet in a balanced state. These tools help raise vibrations and align energy and physical states. Integrating mindfulness into everyday life becomes a powerful means of self-care and personal enhancement.

Interviewer: Your method involves interaction and partnership. How does your approach differ from traditional psychotherapy, and what sets it apart in the modern era?

Marina Uritskaya: Embracing Transformation Through Energy and Truth

Photo Credit: Marina Uritskaya

Marina Uritskaya: My approach is designed for the new era with new methods of instant change. While traditional psychotherapy involves listening and leading clients to independent conclusions, my method works at a deeper level, facilitating immediate transformation. In the fast-paced world we live in, my techniques are aligned with the needs of this new era.

Interviewer: In your approach, you emphasize honesty, love, and gratitude. How do these principles contribute to personal transformation?

Marina Uritskaya: Honesty with oneself and others, along with the ability to love and be grateful, forms the foundation of personal transformation. By embracing these states, individuals experience profound changes in their lives. The world responds to us in kind when we free ourselves from judgment, criticism, and arrogance.

Interviewer: Thank you, Marina, for sharing your insights into the transformative world of energy practices and personal evolution.

Marina Uritskaya: My pleasure. I hope these principles inspire individuals to embark on their paths of positive change and self-discovery.

‘Tis the Season to Charter: Float into the Holidays with Catchin’ Caicos

As the Northern Hemisphere embraces the chill of late November and early December, there’s no better time to trade snowflakes for sunshine and embark on a holiday fishing adventure in the Turks and Caicos Islands. Catchin’ Caicos, based on the main island of Providenciales, extends a warm invitation to anglers of all levels to cast off into the Caribbean warmth, armed with freshly rejuvenated vessels and the promise of a festive marine bounty. 

A Holiday Fishing Extravaganza

Late November and early December transform the azure waters surrounding the Turks and Caicos Islands into a festive playground for marine enthusiasts. Revel in the joy of holiday fishing with an impressive array of sought-after species.

Wahoo Wonderland:

November unfolds a Wahoo wonderland as these lightning-fast predators make a splash in the warm Caribbean waters. Known for their powerful runs and high-speed dashes, Wahoo promises thrilling catches, making your holiday fishing adventure truly special.

Tuna Treats:

As December dawns, tuna fishing takes center stage. Yellowfin and blackfin tuna, renowned for their robust fights and delectable meat, become abundant. Anglers can savor the challenge of reeling in these muscular fish, adding a touch of excitement to their holiday escapades.

Mahi-Mahi Delights:

Throughout late November and early December, the vibrant hues of Mahi-Mahi adorn the waters. Prized for their vivid colors and delicious taste, Mahi-Mahi promise a spirited fight for anglers. Witness acrobatic leaps and dashes as these festive fish dance on the end of your line.

Snapper and Grouper Galore:

The holiday season brings an abundance of snapper species, including Mutton snapper, yellowtail snapper, and mangrove snapper. Known for their delectable flesh and challenging fights, these festive fish add a dash of excitement to your holiday fishing escapades. Grouper fishing also thrives during this season, providing anglers with exhilarating battles against these formidable reef dwellers.

Sailfish into Celebration:

For those preferring catch-and-release, sailfish grace the waters during late November and early December. These majestic billfish offer a thrilling challenge, adding a sense of celebration to your fishing expedition.

Lobster Extravaganza:

October marked the opening of the spiny lobster season, allowing enthusiasts to dive in and harvest these delicious crustaceans. It’s a unique experience that adds a flavorful variety to your festive fishing adventure.

Revitalized Vessels for Holiday Comfort

Catchin’ Caicos ensures not only exceptional fishing experiences but also top-notch comfort and luxury. As part of their commitment to providing the best service possible, their fleet of vessels has recently undergone a comprehensive holiday makeover.

Each boat, including the 60′ Hatteras yacht and the 36′ Benchmark catamaran, has received an annual spa treatment. This includes meticulous buffing and waxing from top to bottom, fresh bottom paint to ensure peak performance, and the replacement of all seals to guarantee safety and reliability. Additionally, all the decks in the cockpit area of the Hatteras have been repainted, enhancing both aesthetics and functionality.

Book Your Unforgettable Holiday Fishing Adventure

With the festive fishing season in full swing, late November and early December offer the perfect window to book your holiday charter with Catchin’ Caicos. Whether you’re a seasoned angler seeking a new challenge or a novice eager to cast your first line, the Turks and Caicos Islands provide an idyllic backdrop for a holiday fishing extravaganza.

To secure your spot and embark on a fishing adventure of a lifetime during this festive season, visit Catchin’ Caicos’ official website at or call 649-244-2927. With rejuvenated vessels, an expert crew, and a stunning array of fish to catch, your late November and early December fishing expedition with Catchin’ Caicos promises to be an unforgettable holiday experience. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to reel in the catch of a lifetime in the enchanting waters of the Turks and Caicos Islands.”