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The Monastic Academy’s Teachings on Mindful Activism

In modern activism, where tensions often simmer, a serene refuge seems almost paradoxical. The Monastic Academy’s teachings present a profound wisdom that invites us to explore the fusion of mindfulness and activism. Rooted in ancient practices, mindfulness is about much more than meditation cushions and tranquil settings. It’s a profound relationship to experience, a consistent, being with the now. As we navigate the turbulent waters of social change, the application of mindfulness becomes imperative. 

Leaders at The Monastic Academy delve into the marriage of mindfulness and activism, exploring how the timeless teachings of mindfulness offer a compass amidst chaos, guiding us to find inner peace even as we strive for outer transformation. With their collective wisdom, The Monastic Academy’s teachers unravel the significance of cultivating a mindful approach to activism in our ever-evolving world.

Understanding Mindfulness in Buddhism

Central to ancient philosophies, including Buddhism, mindfulness emphasizes a heightened state of awareness, where attention is directed to the present moment with unwavering focus, clarity, and discernment. 

“Rooted in non-judgmental observation, mindfulness encourages practitioners to witness thoughts, emotions, and sensations as they arise, without attachment or aversion,” says a leader at The Monastic Academy. “Within the framework of the Monastic Academy’s teachings, mindfulness serves as a gateway to profound truth and understanding.” 

Through dedicated practices such as meditation and mindful breathing, individuals embark on an inward journey, peeling back the layers of conditioned responses and habitual patterns. This process fosters a deeper connection to the self and cultivates a heightened sensitivity to the interconnectivity of all beings. Mindfulness extends beyond the confines of individual introspection, serving as a lens through which to perceive the world. 

By embracing the present moment with open curiosity and acceptance, practitioners develop a profound equanimity and compassion for the suffering of others. In essence, mindfulness in Buddhism transcends mere observation; it becomes a transformative force, fostering profound insight and fostering a deeper connection to the world around us.

The Intersection of Buddhism and Activism

The confluence of Monastic Academy principles and the objectives of activism reveals a profound synergy aimed at alleviating suffering and fostering societal change. At the heart of both endeavors lies a shared commitment to compassion, empathy, and interconnectedness. 

“The Monastic Academy’s teachings, with their emphasis on universal compassion for all beings and the alleviation of suffering, provide a rich foundation for activism’s pursuit of social justice and equality,” notes a highly respected teacher from the organization.

Central to Monastic Academy teachings and to Buddhism is the recognition of the interconnectedness of all beings—a fundamental concept that resonates deeply with the ethos of activism. This interconnectedness underscores the understanding that the well-being of individuals and communities is intricately linked, compelling activists to advocate for systemic change that uplifts all members of society. In addition, it is a call to look beyond the sole focus on the human as the most important being in the web of life. When we recognize the interconnectedness of life, we naturally expand our identity and values to include the plants, the soil, and all living beings.  

Historical and contemporary figures exemplify the integration of Buddhist principles into their activism, embodying the ethos of compassion and non-violence. From the teachings of Mahatma Gandhi, who employed nonviolent resistance as a means of social and political change, to the activism of contemporary figures like Thich Nhat Hanh, whose Engaged Buddhism emphasizes mindfulness and compassionate action, these exemplars illustrate how Buddhist principles can inform and enrich the practice of activism.

The Monastic Academy's Teachings on Mindful Activism


Practices for Mindful Activism

In the pursuit of mindful activism, integrating practical techniques rooted in Buddhist mindfulness can fortify one’s resolve and efficacy. Central to these practices is meditation, serving as a cornerstone for cultivating compassion and resilience amidst the tumult of activism. 

“Through meditation, individuals can develop an intimate understanding of their own inner workings, fostering empathy and compassion towards oneself and others,” says a leader of The Monastic Academy.

Additionally, mindfulness practices offer strategies for maintaining equanimity in the face of challenges and adversity. By anchoring oneself in the present moment, activists can navigate turbulent circumstances with clarity and composure, avoiding the pitfalls of burnout and overwhelm. Techniques such as mindful breathing and body scans serve as anchors, grounding individuals in the midst of chaos and uncertainty.

Incorporating mindful communication and deep listening into activist endeavors fosters authentic connection and understanding, laying the groundwork for collaborative action. By approaching activism with a spirit of mindfulness, individuals can cultivate resilience, empathy, and effectiveness, embodying the transformative potential of compassionate action in the pursuit of social change.

Benefits and Challenges

Mindful activism offers a host of potential benefits for both individuals and communities engaged in social change efforts. By infusing activism with mindfulness, practitioners can cultivate a deeper sense of empathy, resilience, and interconnectedness, fostering more sustainable and impactful approaches to addressing societal issues. Moreover, the integration of Buddhist teachings into activism can imbue the pursuit of social justice with a sense of purpose and meaning, enhancing personal well-being and fulfillment.

The application of Monastic Academy principles to activism is not without its challenges and limitations. While mindfulness practices can empower activists to navigate adversity with grace and compassion, they may also encounter resistance or skepticism within activist circles. Moreover, the complexity of systemic injustices and power dynamics may require nuanced and context-specific approaches that mindfulness alone cannot address.

Despite these challenges, the importance of ongoing self-reflection and adaptation cannot be overstated. Mindful activists must continually evaluate their methods and strategies, remaining open to feedback and learning from both successes and failures. By embracing a spirit of humility and curiosity, practitioners can navigate the inherent tensions and contradictions of mindful activism, harnessing its transformative potential to create meaningful change in the world.

The fusion of mindfulness and activism offers a potent pathway for shaping a more just and compassionate world. Embracing mindfulness in our activism invites us to cultivate resilience, empathy, and collective liberation.

Published by: Holy Minoza

Earn More By Working Less: A Personal Journey

Once mired in debt while earning a modest $18,000 annually from a sales job during his college years, Kris Krohn’s story is not just a tale of financial transformation; it’s a testament to the power of ambition and strategic thinking. Born into modest circumstances, Kris faced the all-too-common struggle of balancing education, work, and burgeoning debt. Yet, within this struggle lay the seeds of a financial renaissance, driven by an unshakeable belief in his capabilities and a vision that transcended his immediate circumstances.

Kris’s journey from financial strain to stability began with a seemingly simple goal: to earn the average US salary of $44,000 per year. However, achieving this was anything but simple. It required Kris to dive deep into the art and science of sales, mastering skills that would not only enhance his income but also set the stage for his future endeavors. From cold calling to client management, each skill was a step towards his goal, culminating in year-end earnings of close to $50,000—a milestone that marked the end of his debts and the beginning of his financial ascent.

Unsatisfied with mere stability, Kris eyed a more ambitious target: doubling his income. This new quest led him to the world of real estate, a domain ripe with potential but fraught with challenges. Undeterred, Kris ramped up his sales efforts, applying the same determination and strategic thinking that had served him well thus far. His efforts paid off, as he not only met but surpassed the $100,000 mark, eventually pushing his income beyond $200,000. Each property added to his portfolio was a step towards financial freedom, a testament to his growing expertise and unflagging ambition.

However, success came at a cost. Balancing full-time roles in school, sales, and real estate took its toll, both physically and mentally. It was during this period of intense strain that Kris recalled the wisdom of Scrooge McDuck—”Don’t work harder; work smarter.” This mantra became the cornerstone of his strategy moving forward. By focusing on real estate and embracing the concept of passive income, Kris was able to reclaim over 50 hours a week—time that was previously consumed by his sales job. This shift not only alleviated the physical toll of his endeavors but also amplified his earnings, enabling him to surpass the half-million mark by his fourth year.

The secret to Kris’s success lies in leveraging his time and investments. Realizing the finite nature of time, he became discerning in his choices, focusing on activities that offered the highest return. This systematic approach, grounded in the principles of leverage and time management, was pivotal in achieving his financial goals.

For those intrigued by the strategies and principles underpinning Kris’s journey, his latest book, “Time Machine,” offers a comprehensive exploration. Far from being merely a financial guide, the book serves as a roadmap to a more fulfilling and strategically planned life. It delves into the intricacies of Kris’s system, offering readers a blueprint for maximizing every minute of their lives.

Kris’s narrative goes beyond mere wealth accumulation; it’s a guide to personal transformation. “Time Machine” encapsulates his proven methods in an easy-to-follow format, ready for anyone eager to reshape their financial destiny. Looking to take control of your financial future while making the most of every moment? “Time Machine” is your key. Click here to grab your copy and embark on a life-changing journey.

Published by: Holy Minoza

Sustainable Hiking: Chad Readey’s Guide to Eco-friendly Trails and Gear

By: Ava Morgan 

In our quest to explore the great outdoors, it’s crucial to remember that every step we take can leave a footprint on the environment. This realization has sparked a movement towards eco-friendly practices in outdoor activities. From hiking to camping, more and more adventurers are seeking ways to minimize their impact on nature.

Developing and using eco-friendly trails and gear is a significant aspect of this movement. Eco-friendly trails are designed to blend harmoniously with the natural landscape, minimizing erosion and preserving wildlife habitats. Similarly, eco-friendly gear is made from sustainable materials, reducing waste and pollution.

Chad Readey, an avid hiker and environmental enthusiast, lends his valuable insights to educating and inspiring outdoor enthusiasts about the importance of eco-friendly practices. Whether you’re a seasoned hiker or a novice camper, this guide will provide valuable insights and tips on how to responsibly enjoy the great outdoors. Let’s embark on this journey together, treading lightly and leaving nothing but footprints behind.

Choosing Eco-friendly Trails

When selecting a trail, it is essential to consider its eco-friendliness to minimize your impact on the environment. 

“Eco-friendly trails are designed and maintained with sustainability in mind, prioritizing the preservation of local ecosystems and wildlife habitats,” says Chad Readey. “These trails often use sustainable materials for construction, employ erosion control measures, and promote Leave No Trace principles.”

Several factors should be considered when choosing an eco-friendly trail. Firstly, consider the trail’s location and accessibility. Opt for trails that are easily accessible by public transport or foot to reduce carbon emissions from driving. Additionally, research the trail’s impact on local ecosystems. Choose trails that have minimal impact on wildlife habitats and natural vegetation.

Researching and identifying eco-friendly trails can be done through various resources, such as hiking guidebooks, websites, and local conservation organizations. These sources often provide detailed information on trail conditions, regulations, and environmental impact. It is crucial to respect trail regulations and guidelines to ensure the preservation of the trail and surrounding environment for future generations.

Sustainable Gear Selection

Eco-friendly gear, also known as sustainable gear, refers to outdoor equipment and apparel designed and produced with minimal environmental impact. This type of gear is gaining popularity among outdoor enthusiasts due to its numerous benefits. Sustainable gear is typically made from recycled materials, organic fabrics, or other environmentally friendly materials. It is also designed to be durable, reducing the need for frequent replacements and ultimately reducing waste.

When evaluating the sustainability of outdoor gear, several criteria should be considered. These include the materials used in the gear’s construction, the manufacturing processes employed, and the product’s overall durability. 

“Gear made from recycled materials or organic fabrics is often a good choice, as these materials have a lower environmental impact compared to conventional materials,” notes Chad Readey

Popular eco-friendly gear options include jackets made from recycled plastic bottles, tents made from organic cotton, and backpacks made from biodegradable materials. To further reduce your environmental impact, it is important to properly care for and maintain your gear. This includes cleaning it regularly, storing it properly, and repairing any damage promptly. By choosing sustainable gear and taking care of it properly, you can enjoy outdoor activities while minimizing your impact on the environment.

Leave No Trace Principles

The Leave No Trace principles are a set of guidelines designed to minimize our impact on the environment when enjoying outdoor activities. These principles are essential for preserving the natural beauty of our outdoor spaces and protecting fragile ecosystems.

The first principle, plan ahead and prepare, emphasizes the importance of proper planning to minimize your impact on the environment. This includes researching the area you plan to visit, understanding the regulations and guidelines, and being prepared for changing weather conditions.

The principle of “traveling and camping on durable surfaces” encourages outdoor enthusiasts to stay on designated trails and campsites to prevent damage to fragile vegetation and soil. “Dispose of waste properly” is the principle that reminds us to pack out all trash and waste, including food scraps and toilet paper, to keep our outdoor spaces clean and pristine.

“Leave what you find” encourages us to leave natural and cultural artifacts as we found them to preserve the experience for others. “Minimize campfire impacts” is the principle that advises against building campfires in sensitive ecosystems and encourages the use of camp stoves instead.

The principle of “respect wildlife” reminds us to observe animals from a distance and not to feed them. “Be considerate of other visitors” encourages us to be mindful of others’ enjoyment of the outdoors and to minimize noise pollution.

Implementing these principles on eco-friendly trails is crucial for maintaining the integrity of these environments. Educating others about Leave No Trace ethics is important to ensure all outdoor enthusiasts follow these principles. By following these guidelines, we can all do our part to protect our natural environment for future generations.

Community Engagement and Advocacy

Outdoor enthusiasts play a crucial role in advocating for eco-friendly practices and preserving natural landscapes. By participating in local clean-up efforts, trail maintenance projects, and conservation initiatives, outdoor enthusiasts can directly contribute to the health and sustainability of our outdoor spaces.

“Supporting organizations and initiatives focused on environmental preservation and sustainability is another impactful way to make a difference,” says Readey. 

Whether through donations, volunteer work, or simply spreading awareness, individuals can support these organizations’ efforts to protect our natural environment. Fostering a community of environmentally conscious outdoor enthusiasts is also essential. 

Maintaining eco-friendly trails and gear is a promising step in the global initiatives to preserve important ecosystems. As more outdoor enthusiasts embrace sustainable practices, we can expect to see a greater emphasis on preserving our natural environments. By continuing to educate ourselves and others, we can ensure that future generations can enjoy the beauty of the outdoors just as we do today.


Published By: Aize Perez

Designing Your Home Spa Retreat: Crafting a Wellness Oasis

Imagine this: after an exhausting day at work, stepping into your home spa retreat for some much-needed restorative relaxation is like entering an oasis. Candlelight illuminates your retreat; fragrant essential oils fill your nostrils; massage table promises ultimate comfort; portable massage tables bring this all to life and elevate self-care routines by offering professional-level services from within your own home! By including a portable massage table in your home spa design, you can elevate self-care routines while experiencing professional massage benefits without ever leaving home!

Create the Right Atmosphere

A key to crafting the ideal home spa retreat lies in carefully crafting its atmosphere. Begin by selecting calming colors such as soft blues, greens, or neutrals which evoke feelings of serenity and relaxation – these hues should give off that soothing aura! For an added layer of ambiance, you may even install dimmer switches to adapt your lighting according to your mood and light levels as necessary.

Candle lighting creates a relaxing ambiance in any space and ambient music helps foster deep relaxation after an exhausting and stressful day.

Selecting Luxurious Bath Products

No spa experience would be complete without indulging in luxurious bath products that nourish both body and senses. Luxuriate in high-quality oils, salts, and scrubs designed specifically to pamper yourself; look out for products with natural ingredients like lavender, chamomile, or eucalyptus known for their soothing or rejuvenating properties.

By taking time for yourself with these luxurious bath products, you can successfully recharge both body and mind – leaving you feeling rejuvenated and revitalized! Soak away any cares or stresses as you indulge yourself in luxury self-care right from your own home!

Incorporating Aromatherapy Elements

Aromatherapy can provide an effective method for increasing relaxation and relieving stress within a home spa sanctuary. Explore aromatherapy by mixing essential oils that have proven calming properties – lavender, bergamot or frankincense are perfect examples – into custom blends for personalized relaxation or improving sleep quality.

Alternatively, opt for premade blends specifically created to induce relaxation or improve quality such as lavender bergamot frankincense blends; choose from aromatherapy products designed specifically to induce relaxation or improve quality using these blends; finally, diffuse their aromatic essence throughout your home spa to relax all senses while lifting spirits – ideal!

Enhance your bath time experience with essential oil by simply adding just a few drops to the bathwater; creating an indulgent spa-like oasis for unwinding and unwinding. As its subtle aroma fills the air, you will quickly be transported into an effortless state of peace and serenity; offering you an indulgent restorative bath session that restores both body and mind.

Establishing Relaxation Zones

Transform your home spa into an oasis of renewal by strategically designating areas dedicated to rejuvenation. Create an inviting seating area filled with soft pillows and luxurious throws; here, you can curl up with an intriguing book or simply relish in moments of silence and reflection. Adding meditation cushions or yoga mats may offer additional areas for mindfulness practices such as meditation or gentle stretching that provide dedicated spaces.

Establishing dedicated relaxation zones within your home spa ensures a sanctuary where you can find refuge from everyday pressures and focus on improving your well-being. Seize this moment to indulge yourself fully in moments of self-care and revitalization to foster balance and harmony within mind, body, and soul.

The Role of Portable Massage Tables in Home Spas

Compact, versatile, and easy to set up, portable massage tables make home spa experiences accessible without ever leaving home. From individual treatment sessions to full spa days with friends or guests over, portable massage tables offer professional quality massage sessions without ever needing to leave home. Their adjustable height settings and plush padding offer maximum support during massage sessions for ultimate relaxation and rejuvenation.


Designing a home spa retreat involves more than simply creating an aesthetic space; it should prioritize your health and well-being. By including elements like soothing ambiance, luxurious bath products, aromatherapy, relaxation zones, and portable massage tables in your spa experience you can create a sanctuary from daily stressors that allows for self-care practices to flourish. Don’t underestimate its role either: massage tables provide crucial comfort that aids in restorative journeys while offering the support needed to fully relax and unwind in comfort and style!


Published by Khy Talara

UltraClear: Advocating Inclusive Skincare For All Skin Types

We recently celebrated Black History Month, in which the spotlight often shines on pioneers who have pushed the boundaries of arts, science, and social justice. Yet, an equally transformative movement is happening in skincare, where inclusivity and technological innovation converge. UltraClear Laser stands at the forefront of this revolution, introducing groundbreaking solutions tailored for all skin types, especially those rich in melanin.

The Need for Inclusive Skincare Technology

The skincare industry has grappled with providing effective solutions for diverse skin tones for years. The challenge has been particularly acute for individuals with darker complexions, whom traditional skincare technologies have historically underserved. These gaps in care and treatment options have been a matter of cosmetic concern and a broader issue of equity and inclusion.

Enter UltraClear Laser, a leader in innovation under the stewardship of Acclaro Medical. With its cold ablative fiber laser technology, UltraClear Laser is rewriting the narrative on skincare, offering safe, effective treatments that cater specifically to the needs of melanin-rich skin. According to UltraClear Laser’s website, this technological leap minimizes the risk of post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH), a common side effect of traditional laser treatments on darker skin tones, thus opening the door to a new era of skincare inclusivity.

A Commitment to Diversity and Education

Beyond developing its cutting-edge technology, UltraClear Laser’s mission encompasses a broader commitment to diversity and education. The company actively fosters a culture of inclusion within its ranks and in its outreach efforts, ensuring that the benefits of its innovations reach all corners of the community. Through partnerships with diverse organizations and educational initiatives, UltraClear Laser empowers individuals to make informed decisions about their skincare, advocating for a world where everyone has access to treatments that meet their specific needs.

The UltraClear Difference

UltraClear Laser’s approach to skincare is not just about addressing existing concerns but also about preventing future issues. By targeting the unique skincare challenges faced by people of color, UltraClear’s technology offers a solution that is both preventive and curative, ensuring that individuals can enjoy radiant, youthful skin without compromise.

The benefits of UltraClear Laser’s technology extend beyond individual treatments, reflecting a broader impact on the aesthetics industry. By setting a new standard for inclusivity and effectiveness, UltraClear Laser is leading the way toward a future where skincare solutions are genuinely universal.

The Physician’s Perspective

Dr. Frey an experienced physician using UltraClear’s technology recently stated, “people with skin of color have historically been left out of clinical studies, marketing, products, and treatments in the beauty industry, which has limited their access to many major advancements. In the past, laser treatments, specifically, have been risky for darker skin types, including lasting damage such as scarring and discoloration. Because UltraClear laser technology has revolutionized the industry by creating an exclusive anti-aging laser treatment that works on all skin types, including Asian (III-IV), Latin (III-V), Middle Eastern (IV-V), and Darker Skin Types (VI), I am able to offer safe and effective treatments to our diverse patients at Howard University’s Department of Dermatology – the only Historically Black College or University (HBCU) with a Department of Dermatology.” 

As we recently celebrated Black History Month, UltraClear Laser’s contributions to the evolution of inclusive skincare technology remind us of the ongoing journey toward equity and inclusion in all areas of life. By prioritizing the needs of melanin-rich skin, UltraClear Laser is transforming skincare and championing a message of diversity and representation that resonates well beyond the aesthetics industry.

For those interested in experiencing the UltraClear difference or learning more about their commitment to inclusive skincare, visit UltraClear Laser’s website or their YouTube Channel and explore their innovative solutions.

As the conversation around inclusivity in skincare continues to evolve, UltraClear Laser is a testament to the power of technology and commitment to making advanced aesthetic treatments accessible and safe for all. 

Published by: Nelly Chavez

Legal Eagles in the Wild: Exploring a Lawyer’s Love for Hunting and Nature

In the bustling world of law offices and courtrooms, one might not expect to find a passionate hunter and nature enthusiast. However, for individuals like Cass Wennlund, the pursuit of justice in the legal realm harmonizes with the tranquility and thrill found in the great outdoors. As a seasoned attorney and dedicated community leader, has cultivated a deep love for hunting and nature that goes beyond his professional commitments.

Embracing Nature’s Call

When Cass isn’t busy navigating the intricacies of the legal system or serving his community as the New Lenox Township Supervisor, he can often be found amidst the beauty of nature. For him, hunting isn’t just a hobby—it’s a way of reconnecting with the natural world and finding solace away from the demands of his legal career. Whether he’s tracking game through the woods or waiting patiently in a duck blind, Wennlund’s love for hunting allows him to escape the confines of the law office and immerse himself in the raw beauty of the wilderness.

Finding Balance in the Great Outdoors

In a profession that often demands long hours and high levels of stress, finding balance is essential. Hunting provides the perfect antidote to the pressures of legal practice. The quiet solitude of the forest or the rush of adrenaline when tracking a big game animal offers him a much-needed respite from the rigors of his professional life. By immersing himself in nature, Wennlund finds clarity of mind and a renewed sense of purpose that ultimately enhances his effectiveness as a lawyer and community leader.

Lessons Learned in the Wild

Hunting isn’t just about bagging a trophy—it’s about respect for nature, patience, and perseverance. His experiences in the wild have taught him valuable lessons that extend far beyond the realm of hunting. The discipline and focus required to track game mirror the skills needed to navigate complex legal cases. Additionally, the respect for wildlife and the environment instilled by hunting aligns with Wennlund’s commitment to stewardship and conservation in his community.

A Family Affair

For Cass, hunting is also a family affair. He cherishes the opportunity to share his love for the outdoors with his loved ones, including his wife, children, and grandchildren. Whether it’s teaching his grandchildren how to safely handle a firearm or sharing stories around the campfire, hunting allows Wennlund to create lasting memories with his family while passing down traditions that have been part of his family for generations.

Conservation and Stewardship

As a dedicated steward of the land, Cass Wennlund understands the importance of conservation efforts in preserving wildlife habitats for future generations. He actively supports conservation initiatives in his community and advocates for responsible hunting practices that ensure the long-term sustainability of wildlife populations. By combining his passion for hunting with a commitment to conservation, Wennlund demonstrates that legal professionals can play a vital role in protecting the environment and preserving natural resources.


In the world of law and order, Cass Wennlund stands out as a legal eagle with a passion for the wild. His love for hunting and nature goes beyond mere recreation—it’s a fundamental part of who he is. Through his experiences in the great outdoors, Wennlund finds balance, perspective, and a deeper connection to the world around him. As he continues to navigate the complexities of the legal landscape and serve his community, his love for hunting remains a steadfast source of inspiration and renewal.


Published By: Aize Perez

Transform Your Artistic Journey with The Dirty Pour Studio by Carri Degenhardt Burke

Carri Degenhardt, owner of City Swipes, poses in her fluid art studio The Dirty Pour Studio, holding a Fluid Bear.

By: Maria Williams

Embarking on a remarkable journey from the precision of Wall Street to the spontaneous whirls of art, Carri Degenhardt Burke exemplifies transformation, inviting the world to witness a vibrant fusion of finance and creativity. Her latest venture, The Dirty Pour Studio, nestled in the heart of Jersey City, emerges as a sanctuary for those eager to delve into the realm of fluid art, a space where the meticulous meets the magical, and the conventional is replaced with color and chaos.

Once a towering figure in the corporate landscape, Carri’s tenure on Wall Street spanned over two decades, marked by her leadership at Degenhardt Consulting and her influential voice as a columnist. Yet, beneath the surface of her success lay a simmering quest for a venture that resonated with her longing for joy and creativity. This quest led her to the enchanting world of pour painting, a medium where art and science dance in a captivating symphony of colors and forms. Entranced by the technique’s potential for surprise and beauty, Carri envisioned a studio that would democratize art, making it accessible and enjoyable for all.

Transform Your Artistic Journey with The Dirty Pour Studio by Carri Degenhardt Burke

Photo Courtesy: Carri Degenhardt

The inception of The Dirty Pour Studio signifies a bold departure from the elitism that often shadows the art world. Carri’s philosophy is simple yet revolutionary: art should be an exploration, a joyous endeavor free from the heavy hand of critique and the stifling atmosphere of traditional studios. This ethos is palpably felt within the studio’s walls, where individuals from varied walks of life — be they young children or spirited grandparents — are encouraged to let loose their artistic instincts, to play with paint and revel in the unpredictable beauty of fluid art.

Carri’s innovative offerings, like the Bicycle Spin Class and the Piggy Bank Art class, are not just art sessions; they are gatherings that celebrate community, creativity, and the sheer fun of creating something tangible and beautiful. The studio has become a testament to the transformative power of art, as visitors frequently express how the act of pouring paint is not just an artistic endeavor but a therapeutic one, providing a tranquil escape from the clamor of daily life.

The transformative journey of The Dirty Pour Studio is set to expand its horizons with Carri’s plans to launch virtual masterclasses, aiming to spread the joy of fluid art far beyond Jersey City. Her gallery, Carri Louise the Gallery, further extends this vision, creating a dynamic platform for artists globally to converge and showcase their talent, fostering a rich tapestry of cultural and artistic exchange.

The Dirty Pour Studio stands as a beacon for those seeking to break free from the monochrome of routine and dive into a world brimming with color, creativity, and connection. It’s a place where art is unbound, where every splatter tells a story, and where the only rule is to embrace the unexpected. For those ready to swap the predictability of their everyday for an adventure in art, The Dirty Pour Studio awaits, promising an experience that’s as liberating as it is luminous.

To immerse in this transformative artistic journey, explore their offerings at and join a community celebrating creativity at @cityswipes on Instagram, where inspiration flows as freely as the paint.


Published By: Aize Perez

Breaking Boundaries: Laura Scharnagl’s Journey from Runway to Role Model

In an industry often criticized for its lack of diversity and unrealistic standards, Laura Scharnagl emerges as a refreshing breath of authenticity and empowerment. From her humble beginnings in the picturesque town of Konnersreuth, Bavaria, to gracing the catwalks of fashion capitals around the globe, Laura’s journey is not just about modeling—it’s about breaking barriers and inspiring change.

Unlike many of her peers, Laura’s path to success was not paved with privilege or connections. Instead, it was fueled by sheer determination and an unyielding belief in her own potential. At just 16, she defied the odds by earning a coveted spot on “Germany’s Next Topmodel” by Heidi Klum, captivating audiences with her natural beauty and magnetic presence. But for Laura, this was just the beginning.

After the glitz and glamor of reality TV faded, Laura embarked on a quest for personal and professional growth that would take her across continents and cultures. From the fashion meccas of Milan and Istanbul to the bustling streets of Hong Kong, she immersed herself in new experiences, learning the intricacies of different markets and expanding her horizons as both a model and a global citizen

But perhaps what sets Laura apart is not just her stunning looks or impressive resume, but her unwavering commitment to using her platform for positive change. In an industry notorious for its promotion of unhealthy body image ideals, Laura has emerged as a vocal advocate for self-love and acceptance. Through her social media channels, she shares candid glimpses into her life, promoting messages of body positivity and mental wellness to her ever-growing legion of followers.

Photo Courtesy: Harper’s Bazaar

Beyond the runway, Laura is also passionate about giving back to her community and supporting causes close to her heart. Whether she’s volunteering at local charities or using her influence to raise awareness for social issues, Laura is a shining example of how fashion can be a force for good in the world.

Now, as she sets her sights on conquering new frontiers in the United States, Laura remains steadfast in her commitment to authenticity and integrity. With a burgeoning career that shows no signs of slowing down, she continues to challenge stereotypes and redefine what it means to be a successful model in today’s ever-evolving landscape.

For aspiring models and fashion enthusiasts alike, Laura’s journey serves as a source of inspiration and empowerment. Her story is a testament to the power of resilience, perseverance, and staying true to oneself in the face of adversity

As she continues to break boundaries and shatter stereotypes, Laura Scharnagl is not just making waves in the fashion world—she’s paving the way for a more inclusive and empowering industry for generations to come.Follow Laura Scharnagl on Instagram and Facebook.

Published by: Nelly Chavez

N.A.S. Consult’s Initiative for Women’s Advancement in New York State: Driving Transformation in Lives

By: Susan Perk

Breaking Barriers, Creating Opportunities in the Beauty Industry

In the vibrant state of New York, where diversity thrives, a significant number of women from economically depressed areas and single mothers face unique challenges in accessing opportunities for career growth. N.A.S. Consult has emerged as a beacon of hope for these women, offering a comprehensive initiative that not only opens doors to the beauty industry but also provides the support needed for long-term success. This article explores how N.A.S. Consult is making a difference by providing free mentorship, scholarship assistance, development programs, and vital connections with potential employers.

Statistics reveal the stark reality faced by women in economically depressed areas and single mothers in New York State. According to recent data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the unemployment rate for women in economically depressed areas is approximately 12%, significantly higher than the state average of 5.7%. Moreover, nearly 30% of single mothers in New York State experience poverty, according to the Institute for Women’s Policy Research.

N.A.S. Consult’s Holistic Approach:

Recognizing the pressing need for intervention, N.A.S. Consult has designed a multifaceted program to address the unique challenges faced by women in economically depressed areas and single mothers. The initiative encompasses free mentorship, assistance with scholarship applications for cosmetology school, participation in a carefully crafted development program, and connections with potential employers.

Free Mentorship:

N.A.S. Consult’s mentorship program aims to tackle the disparities faced by women in economically depressed areas by offering guidance and support. The program seeks to provide these women with the necessary skills and knowledge to navigate the beauty industry successfully.

Scholarship Assistance:

Financial barriers should never hinder access to education. N.A.S. Consult aims to assist women in economically depressed areas and single mothers annually in applying for scholarships to attend cosmetology school. This initiative ensures that financial constraints do not stand in the way of pursuing a career in the beauty industry.

Development Program:

The organization’s development program is a key component of its commitment to empowering women. The program covers essential skills such as technical expertise, customer service, and business management. Workshops, seminars, and hands-on training are integral parts of this comprehensive initiative.

Connecting with Potential Employers:

N.A.S. Consult aims to establish partnerships with beauty industry employers in New York State within the first year. This strategic collaboration enhances job placement opportunities for program participants, ensuring that the skills acquired during their education are immediately put to use in a professional setting.

The potential impact of N.A.S. Consult’s initiative is vast. With its outreach efforts, the organization aims to assist and empower a significant number of women from economically depressed areas and single mothers in New York State. By providing mentorship, scholarship opportunities, and industry connections, N.A.S. Consult envisions transforming the lives of hundreds of women, setting them on a path toward economic independence and professional success.

N.A.S. Consult’s initiative stands as a testament to the power of compassion and commitment to social impact. By addressing the specific needs of women in economically depressed areas and single mothers, this organization is catalyzing change and creating a ripple effect that extends beyond individual lives. As these women embrace the opportunities offered by N.A.S. Consult, they not only enter the beauty industry but also contribute to the overall resilience and prosperity of their communities. The journey towards empowerment has begun, and N.A.S. Consult is lighting the way.


Published By: Aize Perez

The Mind Matters: Roger Farahmand Discusses Approaches to Mental Health Advocacy

Mental health advocacy is a crucial aspect of public health that often goes unnoticed. Despite growing awareness, stigma and misconceptions continue to surround mental health, hindering individuals from seeking help. Roger Farahmand, entrepreneur and mental health industry expert, sheds light on the importance of mental health advocacy, exploring the impact of stigma and the urgent need for change. 

By understanding the barriers that exist, we can begin to address them effectively. This article will delve into various approaches to mental health advocacy, highlighting successful strategies and the role of communities, policymakers, and individuals in promoting mental well-being. Through Roger Farahmand’s rich perspective, he discusses strategies to challenge stigma, advocate for better mental health resources, and create a more inclusive and supportive environment for all.

Understanding Mental Health Advocacy

Mental health advocacy encompasses a range of activities aimed at promoting mental well-being, preventing mental health conditions, and ensuring access to appropriate care and support for those affected. It involves efforts to raise awareness, reduce stigma, influence policy, and support individuals with mental health challenges.

“The goals of mental health advocacy are multifaceted,” says Roger Farahmand. “They include increasing public understanding of mental health issues, promoting early intervention and prevention strategies, improving access to mental health services, and advocating for policies that support mental health parity and equity.”

Key players in mental health advocacy efforts include mental health professionals, advocates, nonprofit organizations, government agencies, policymakers, and individuals with lived experience of mental illness. Each plays a crucial role in advancing mental health awareness, education, and support at various levels of society.

Effective mental health advocacy requires collaboration and coordination among these stakeholders to address the complex challenges and barriers that exist in mental health care systems worldwide.

Approaches to Mental Health Advocacy

Mental health advocacy employs diverse strategies to promote awareness, reduce stigma, and improve access to care. These approaches are integral to addressing the complex and multifaceted nature of mental health challenges.

Awareness campaigns and education efforts play a crucial role in mental health advocacy by disseminating accurate information, challenging misconceptions, and encouraging help-seeking behaviors. 

Notes Farahmand, “These campaigns often target various audiences, including the general public, schools, workplaces, and healthcare providers.”

Policy and legislative advocacy involve efforts to influence laws, regulations, and policies to improve mental health services and support. This can include advocating for increased funding, expanded access to care, and the implementation of evidence-based practices.

Community-based initiatives focus on mobilizing local resources and support networks to promote mental health and well-being. These initiatives often involve collaboration between community organizations, healthcare providers, and local governments to address the unique needs of specific populations or communities.

Personal storytelling and advocacy involve individuals sharing their experiences with mental health challenges to raise awareness, reduce stigma, and advocate for change. This approach can be powerful in humanizing mental health issues and inspiring others to seek help and support.

The Mind Matters: Roger Farahmand Discusses Approaches to Mental Health Advocacy


Challenges and Opportunities in Mental Health Advocacy

Despite progress in mental health advocacy, significant challenges persist, requiring innovative approaches and collaborative efforts to address them effectively. Addressing stigma and misconceptions remains a central challenge in mental health advocacy. 

“Negative attitudes and stereotypes surrounding mental illness can discourage individuals from seeking help and can hinder efforts to improve mental health services and support,” says Farahmand

Overcoming funding and resource constraints is another major challenge. Limited funding for mental health programs and services can restrict access to care and limit the effectiveness of advocacy efforts. Advocates must work to secure adequate funding and resources to meet the growing demand for mental health support.

Leveraging technology for advocacy presents both challenges and opportunities. While technology can enhance access to information and support, it also raises concerns about privacy, data security, and the digital divide. Advocates must navigate these challenges to harness the full potential of technology in advancing mental health advocacy.

Collaborative efforts and partnerships are essential for addressing the complex and interconnected nature of mental health challenges. By working together, advocates can leverage their strengths and resources to create meaningful change in mental health policies, services, and support systems.

The importance of mental health advocacy will only grow as the world’s complexities and pressures increase. Raising awareness is vital, but creating change is the ultimate goal. By getting involved, whether through education, policy, or community initiatives, we can make a difference and ensure a brighter future for mental health advocacy efforts.

Published by: Martin De Juan