US Reporter

Klepto Bears Club Opens Its Doors to Welcome Creatives Into the NFT Community

The art community is filled with individuals who have the potential to create something that can impact society, but often they lack the means to do so. For Amber Marie, the Graffiti Mansion gave her the opportunity to take her gifts to the next level. Introduced into the world of graffiti, she would bring her knowledge to the digital platform, giving birth to the Klepto Bears NFT.

Klepto Bears was developed to inject a sense of nostalgia among holders and prospective holders. Designed as a sleek, stylized piece of art that focuses on pattern and texture in 2D, Klepto Bears calls out to everyone’s inner child while still representing modern-day life. These NFTs are plastered in front of a background that brings peace and guides people to meet the eyes of the characters, prompting them to pay attention to the shapes of our furry childhood friends.

“Klepto Bears are the face you see in a crowd, a cause for pause to say, ‘I’m sure I’ve seen you somewhere before?’,” said founder and project owner Amber Marie, “How many toy boxes, how many teddy bears litter the story of each of us? How many treasures, how many relics, once loved have gone into the ether?”

Amber Marie’s project was born upon meeting Arman Izadi and Danny Lorden from the Graffiti Mansion, who both saw the potential that Amber carried. Being creative since childhood, Amber pursued art in college but found that the environment did not equip her with the inspiration that she needed to thrive as an artist. So, packing her bags, she left for Las Vegas, where she delved into makeup and joined the body art industry. 

Although she had been doing well, the global pandemic halted her progress. Eager to continue creating art, she branched out into other art forms, leading her to the Graffiti Mansion. It was Izadi and Lorden who introduced the graffiti world to her. She would later take her knowledge to the digital world with the help of Izadi, who donated $100,000 to bring her vision to life, bringing her closer to her dreams.

Set for a launch on the 10th of October 2021, Klepto Bears is driven to inspire the art community and bring nostalgia with promises of $100,000 in prizes to its owners. Every 1000th item in the collection is a vault NFT with its treasures only set to open once the project is sold out.The prizes include items like iPhone 13 for Mint #1,000, iPadPro for Mint #2,000, LG TV for Mint #3,000, PlayStation 5 for Mint #4,000, Xbox X for Mint #5,000, Macbook Pro for Mint #6,000, Versace Robe for Mint #7,000, LV Backpack for Mint #8,000, Rolex for Mint #9,000 and Tesla for Mint #10,000. While plenty of other NFTs raise people’s hopes, Klepto Bear is backed by the Graffiti Mansion who shares Amber’s ambitions, who deliver their promises every time.

Apart from the promise of prizes, Amber herself has made an oath to take on dares upon reaching minting milestones. These dares include taking a pie to the face, making dinner for the Klepto crew, giving her a temporary tattoo, eating a Ghost Pepper, handing out QR codes with real-life Klepto Bears on the Vegas strip, and tagging the street with Klepto Bear art.

Learn more about Klepto Bears by visiting their official website. You can also join their Discord channel and follow them on Instagram and Twitter for more updates.


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