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Udit Ghosh: Mastering the Art of Overcoming Entrepreneurial Challenges

By: Sandra Cripe

In the realm of entrepreneurship, challenges are inevitable. However, it’s how one navigates and overcomes these hurdles that truly defines their success. Udit Ghosh, the visionary founder of Viral PR, has encountered his fair share of obstacles on his entrepreneurial journey. Through strategic planning, resilience, and unwavering determination, he has developed effective strategies for overcoming these challenges and achieving remarkable success.

A Visionary’s Beginnings: Udit Ghosh’s Entrepreneurial Journey

Udit Ghosh’s entrepreneurial journey began with a vision to revolutionize the PR industry and empower individuals and businesses with mainstream media coverage. Armed with a passion for innovation and a relentless drive to succeed, he founded Viral PR with the mission to democratize media presence and elevate his clients to new heights of success. Little did he know the challenges that lay ahead on the path to achieving his vision.

Navigating Financial Constraints: Budgeting for Growth

One of the initial challenges Udit faced was navigating financial constraints. As a bootstrapped entrepreneur, he had limited resources to invest in the growth of his business. However, instead of viewing this as a roadblock, Udit approached it as an opportunity to become more resourceful and strategic in his financial planning. By prioritizing essential expenses and exploring creative funding options, he was able to allocate resources effectively and fuel the growth of Viral PR.

Building Credibility in a Competitive Market

Establishing credibility in a competitive market was another challenge Udit encountered early on. With numerous PR agencies vying for clients’ attention, standing out and earning their trust was no easy feat. However, Udit recognized the importance of authenticity and transparency in building lasting relationships with clients. By delivering on his promises, providing exceptional service, and consistently exceeding expectations, he was able to earn the trust and loyalty of his clients, solidifying Viral PR’s reputation as a trusted industry leader.

Navigating the Complexities of Industry Regulations

As an entrepreneur operating in the PR industry, Udit had to navigate the complexities of industry regulations and compliance standards. Ensuring that Viral PR adhered to ethical guidelines and industry best practices was paramount to maintaining the trust and integrity of the business. Udit invested time and resources into educating himself and his team on regulatory requirements, implementing robust compliance protocols, and staying informed about changes in industry regulations to ensure Viral PR remained in good standing.

Overcoming Client Acquisition Challenges

Client acquisition is a common challenge for many entrepreneurs, and Udit was no exception. In a crowded marketplace, attracting and retaining clients requires a strategic approach and effective marketing tactics. Udit leveraged his network, implemented targeted marketing campaigns, and provided value-added services to differentiate Viral PR from the competition. By showcasing the results and ROI of his services, he was able to attract high-profile clients and expand Viral PR’s client base.

Adapting to Technological Advancements

In today’s digital age, technology is constantly evolving, presenting both opportunities and challenges for entrepreneurs. Udit recognized the importance of staying ahead of the curve and embracing technological advancements to enhance Viral PR’s services and operations. He invested in cutting-edge PR tools and software, adopted automation technologies to streamline workflows, and leveraged data analytics to gain actionable insights into client preferences and market trends.

Managing Growth and Scaling Operations

As Viral PR experienced rapid growth, Udit faced the challenge of managing expansion and scaling operations effectively. Scaling a business requires careful planning, strategic decision-making, and a focus on operational efficiency. Udit implemented scalable business processes, hired talented professionals, and invested in training and development to ensure that Viral PR could accommodate growth without sacrificing quality or customer satisfaction.

Navigating Industry Disruption

The PR industry is constantly evolving, with new technologies and trends reshaping the landscape. Udit embraced industry disruption as an opportunity for innovation and adaptation. He stayed abreast of emerging trends, monitored competitor activity, and proactively adjusted Viral PR’s strategies to stay ahead of the curve. By embracing change and remaining agile, Udit positioned Viral PR as a forward-thinking agency capable of delivering cutting-edge PR solutions to its clients.

Overcoming Self-Doubt and Imposter Syndrome

Entrepreneurship can be a rollercoaster of emotions, and Udit experienced moments of self-doubt and imposter syndrome along the way. However, he learned to recognize these feelings as natural byproducts of growth and success. Through self-reflection, mentorship, and a supportive network, Udit cultivated resilience and confidence in his abilities, allowing him to overcome self-limiting beliefs and continue pursuing his entrepreneurial vision with determination and conviction.

Staying Resilient in the Face of Adversity

No entrepreneurial journey is without its setbacks and challenges, but it’s how one responds to adversity that determines their success. Udit faced numerous obstacles on his path to building Viral PR, from financial setbacks to industry disruptions. However, he remained resilient in the face of adversity, maintaining a positive attitude, and persevering through challenges with unwavering determination and optimism.

Udit Ghosh’s Blueprint for Entrepreneurial Success

In conclusion, Udit Ghosh’s entrepreneurial journey is a testament to the power of resilience, strategic planning, and unwavering determination. By navigating challenges with grace and embracing opportunities for growth and innovation, he has transformed Viral PR into a trusted industry leader and empowered countless individuals and businesses to achieve their goals. As he continues to navigate the tides of entrepreneurship, Udit’s story serves as a source of inspiration for aspiring entrepreneurs around the world, proving that with perseverance and determination, anything is possible.


Published by: Khy Talara

The Role of Innovation in Modern Entrepreneurship Insights from Alec Lawler

By: Ryan Moore

In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, innovation has become the lifeblood of modern entrepreneurship. It’s not just about keeping up with the times; it’s about thriving and staying ahead of the competition. To gain a deeper understanding of the pivotal role that innovation plays in entrepreneurship, we turn to Alec Lawler, an accomplished entrepreneur and athlete. In this article, we will explore Alec Lawler’s expert insights on how innovation drives success in modern entrepreneurship.

Innovation is the driving force behind entrepreneurship in the 21st century. Alec Lawler, drawing from his extensive experience as an entrepreneur, emphasizes the critical role that innovation plays in the success of businesses today. He states, “Innovation is not an option; it’s a necessity for any entrepreneur aiming to make a significant impact in today’s competitive landscape. It’s about finding new solutions, improving existing processes, and staying adaptable.”

The Essence of Innovation

Alec Lawler defines innovation as the ability to create and implement new ideas or improvements that lead to meaningful change. He explains, “Innovation goes beyond just having brilliant ideas. It’s about turning those ideas into tangible results that benefit your business and your customers.”

To illustrate the essence of innovation, Alec provides an example from his own entrepreneurial journey. “When I founded Lawler Show Jumping LLC, we needed a way to identify and secure international equine investment opportunities efficiently,” he recalls. “Innovation came into play as we developed a proprietary system that streamlined the investment process, providing a unique solution in our industry.”

Driving Competitive Advantage

Innovation isn’t just about keeping up with the latest trends; it’s about gaining a competitive edge. Alec Lawler highlights this, saying, “In today’s fast-paced business world, standing still is not an option. Innovating allows you to differentiate your business and stay ahead of competitors.”

He emphasizes that innovation can take various forms, from product and service enhancements to process improvements. “Continuous innovation gives your business the agility to adapt to changing market conditions and customer preferences,” Alec adds.

Meeting Evolving Customer Needs

Alec Lawler stresses that understanding and meeting customer needs is at the heart of successful entrepreneurship. He notes, “Innovation should be customer-centric. By actively seeking feedback and leveraging innovative approaches, you can better address evolving customer needs and expectations.”

He further elaborates on this point, stating, “Entrepreneurs should view innovation as a tool to solve customer problems and provide value. It’s not just about creating something new; it’s about creating something better.”

Fostering a Culture of Innovation

Creating a culture of innovation within an organization is essential for sustained success. Alec Lawler believes that this begins with leadership. “As a leader, you must encourage and support innovation at every level of your company,” he advises. “Empower your team to experiment, take calculated risks, and challenge the status quo.”

Alec highlights the role of open communication in fostering innovation. “Encourage employees to share their ideas and provide a platform for collaboration,” he suggests. “Innovation often thrives in an environment where diverse perspectives are valued.”

Overcoming Innovation Challenges

Innovation is not without its challenges. Alec Lawler acknowledges this and offers insights on how entrepreneurs can overcome common obstacles. “Fear of failure can hinder innovation,” he says. “It’s essential to create a culture where failure is seen as a stepping stone to success. Learn from failures, adapt, and keep pushing forward.”

Additionally, he advises entrepreneurs to allocate resources effectively. “Innovation requires an investment of time, money, and effort,” Alec notes. “It’s crucial to allocate resources wisely and prioritize innovation initiatives that align with your business goals.”

Staying Informed and Adaptive

Innovation often requires staying informed about industry trends and emerging technologies. Alec Lawler emphasizes the importance of staying current, stating, “Entrepreneurs must be proactive in seeking knowledge and staying updated. Attend industry events, read relevant publications, and network with peers to gain valuable insights.”

Moreover, he underscores the need for adaptability. “The business landscape is constantly evolving,” Alec says. “Entrepreneurs should be willing to pivot and adjust their strategies based on changing circumstances. Adaptability is a key trait of successful innovators.”

Case Studies in Entrepreneurial Innovation

To further illustrate the role of innovation in entrepreneurship, Alec Lawler shares examples of innovative companies that have achieved remarkable success. He mentions companies like Tesla, known for revolutionizing the automotive industry with electric vehicles, and Airbnb, which transformed the way people travel and find accommodations.

“These companies disrupted traditional industries by challenging the status quo and introducing innovative solutions,” Alec points out. “They focused on addressing unmet needs and creating seamless user experiences, setting new industry standards.”

Innovation and Growth

Innovation is intrinsically linked to business growth. Alec Lawler states, “Entrepreneurs who embrace innovation not only stay competitive but also unlock new growth opportunities. Innovation can lead to expanded market reach, increased customer loyalty, and enhanced profitability.”

He highlights the role of innovation in scaling a business. “As your business grows, innovation becomes even more critical,” Alec explains. “It allows you to scale operations efficiently, enter new markets, and diversify your offerings.”

Final Thoughts

Innovation is the driving force that propels modern entrepreneurship to new heights. Alec Lawler’s expert insights emphasize that innovation is not a luxury but a necessity for entrepreneurs aiming to thrive in today’s competitive landscape. By fostering a culture of innovation, understanding customer needs, overcoming challenges, and staying informed and adaptive, entrepreneurs can harness the power of innovation to achieve success.

In Alec’s own words, “Innovation is the bridge between where your business is today and where it can be tomorrow. Embrace it, invest in it, and make it an integral part of your entrepreneurial journey. Innovation isn’t just a buzzword; it’s the key to lasting success.”


Published By: Aize Perez

From Mets Fan to Financial Guru: Adam S. Kaplan’s Journey to Success

By: James Moore

In the unpredictable landscape of business success, the most compelling stories often emerge from unexpected beginnings. Personal narratives have an enduring relevance in business, illuminating diverse paths individuals traverse on their journey to success. 

Financial manager and business leader Adam S. Kaplan delves into his transformation from a passionate Mets fan into a respected voice in the financial sector. Through twists of fate and determined endeavors, Kaplan navigated the intricate world of finance, carving a path that intertwined his love for baseball with astute financial acumen. 

The Early Days

Adam S. Kaplan’s childhood was marked by subtle yet potent influences that would ultimately shape a remarkable career trajectory. His formative years were filled with experiences at the ballpark as he cheered on the Mets and the encouragement to do big things as he grew toward career decisions. 

“From an early age,” says Kaplan, “I’ve loved the idea of numbers and statistics and how today’s data can help predict what happens tomorrow. I enjoyed the risk and reward that came on the ball field, and it’s clear that translated into my professional path.” 

Steeped in the game’s numbers and complexities, Kaplan developed a sturdy foundation and affinity for breaking down numbers and making predictions. He also developed a keen interest in understanding the intricate dance of numbers and markets.

While other children may have dreamt of baseball glory, Kaplan found himself drawn to the thrill of analyzing strategies and dynamics within the game. This fascination with numbers pointed towards finance and business, setting the stage for what would later become a defining passion and expertise. The early days were a pivotal time, where seeds of financial acumen were sown in the fertile soil of curiosity and familial influence.

The Turning Point

The transition from avid Mets fan to financial aficionado was not a sudden leap but a series of defining moments that altered the course of Kaplan’s life. Amidst a backdrop of personal reflection and a growing realization of his true passion, Kaplan realized that he could continue applying the concepts that kept his interest during the games and apply them to finance. While the allure of Wall Street has never surpassed the cheers of the ballpark, it became the primary professional focus for Kaplan, allowing him the quality of life to engage in his personal pursuits as well.

Notes Adam S. Kaplan, “Stepping into the world of finance meant navigating unfamiliar terrain, filled with complexities and uncertainties. There were doubts to overcome, and the road ahead seemed daunting.”

With unwavering resolve and a thirst for knowledge, Kaplan embraced the challenges head-on. Each obstacle became a stepping stone, and each setback was a lesson in resilience. The turning point marked not just a change in career trajectory but a testament to his unwavering perseverance. It was a time of growth, where the passion for finance became more than just an interest—it became a driving force propelling Kaplan towards a future filled with promise and possibility.

From Mets Fan to Financial Guru: Adam S. Kaplan’s Journey to Success


Climbing the Ranks

Establishing a foothold in the competitive financial industry landscape required a strategic approach and unwavering dedication. Kaplan embarked on a journey of professional growth, taking deliberate steps to ascend the business world’s ranks.

Entering the financial sector, he immersed himself in a world of numbers, analyses, and strategic decisions. Every day presented an opportunity to learn and grow, honing the skills necessary for success. From mastering financial modeling to understanding market trends, each task was a building block toward their ascent.

Key milestones peppered Kaplan’s journey, marking significant achievements. Whether securing a coveted position at a prestigious firm or spearheading successful investment strategies, each milestone validated Kaplan’s dedication and expertise.

What truly set Kaplan apart were the qualities he brought to the table. A keen analytical mind honed at the ballpark allowed him to easily dissect complex financial data, while strategic thinking ensured sound investment decisions. 

Their journey is a testament to the power of perseverance, strategic vision, and a relentless pursuit of excellence in finance.

Sharing Wisdom

Having reached the summit of success in the financial realm, Kaplan has chosen to pay it forward, leveraging his wealth of experiences to become a mentor and influencer in the industry.

Recognizing the value of sharing knowledge, Adam S. Kaplan embarked on a path to impart wisdom to the next generation of finance professionals. Whether through mentoring programs, speaking engagements or thought leadership platforms, he has found avenues to share insights gained from their journey.

Kaplan’s efforts have substantially influenced the industry, and many looked to him not just for financial advice but for guidance on navigating the nuances of the business world. Aspiring professionals continue to find inspiration in Kaplan’s story, realizing that success in finance is attainable with determination and strategic thinking.

“I am committed to sharing wisdom that educates and fosters a community of eager learners and ambitious individuals united by a shared passion for finance,” says Adam S. Kaplan

Kaplan’s journey from fervent Mets fan to esteemed financial guru has been a testament to the power of perseverance, determination, and adaptability. The lessons from this journey are invaluable and provide inspiration and an understanding that with passion, persistence, and a willingness to adapt, everyone can carve their own paths to success. 

Published by: Holy Minoza

Special Situations Investor Shares Three Ways To Prepare For an Economic Downturn

By Joshua Finley

Juan Espinoza, a global special situations investor, has built a successful career spanning various asset classes such as equities, credit, and special situations investments. Espinoza brings a unique perspective to the table, underscored by his experience in identifying and capitalizing on transformative corporate events and credit dislocations. His unusual background, which combines a mix of equities and distressed credit investing, has allowed him to assess opportunities that require a  deep understanding of various business models and intricate capital structures, making him a thought leader in special situations investing. This article taps into Espinoza’s insights to explore three pivotal strategies to prepare for a possible economic downturn, offering readers a glimpse into the mind of a seasoned investor who has weathered the storms of various economic cycles with resilience and foresight.

Understanding Special Situations Investing

Special situations investing focuses on opportunities arising from significant corporate events such as mergers, acquisitions, or credit events like financial restructurings and bankruptcies. For instance, Disney’s 2019 acquisition of Twenty-First Century Fox represented a major strategic push for the buyer that propelled it further into both the content production and video streaming businesses. This $71 billion transaction is considered a “special situation” because it was transformational for the buyer and seller and had a major impact on the shareholder value and the future of Disney and Fox. Similarly, when JC Penney filed for bankruptcy in 2020 during the onset of the pandemic, the retailer created a complex scenario for its shareholders and creditors, which included suppliers, debtholders and landlords. Evaluating the upside or downside of these events for the various stakeholders requires a highly nuanced grasp of business and finance that typically eludes the average investor. Espinoza has had the opportunity to develop a unique professional toolkit during his 20 year career which included tenures at prestigious firms like Wellington Management and Oaktree Capital.  Armed with a deep understanding of how this type of unusual scenarios need to be assessed and valued, Espinoza is able to capitalize on unique investment opportunities, particularly in times of financial distress or structural change within a company.

Preparing for Difficult Credit Conditions

Early Action and Cash Conservation

“In the face of a difficult credit cycle, agility and prudence are your best allies.” 

Juan emphasizes the importance of cash conservation actions for industries like commercial real estate, which has been hit hard by shifts in consumer behavior, and reevaluating their own financial health promptly. “Procrastination is the enemy.”  

For creditors, early action is also a must.  A detailed portfolio review should provide an overview on the most problematic borrowers and, assuming the underwriting was sound, a pre-arranged solution should be possible particularly for senior creditors.  While each industry will have its own dynamics, those most affected by secular shifts in demand and high cost of debt are likely the most at risk. Even if interest rates decline over the next year, companies with a high debt burden are the most vulnerable as interest is essentially a fixed cost that won’t decline if the business downsizes.

Engaging Creditors Proactively

Early engagement with creditors to discuss potential adjustments in loan terms or to secure additional funding can make a significant difference. “The dialogue with creditors should start sooner rather than later,” advises Espinoza. Waiting too long to renegotiate terms can corner companies into unfavorable positions. “It’s about creating breathing room before the market tightens further. Proactive engagement can open doors to relatively favorable conditions that might not be available down the line.”

Capitalizing on Special Situations

Opportunistic investors can learn from the strategic approaches employed by special situations investors like Espinoza. Understanding the dynamics of special situations, such as valuing the impact of a transformational acquisition or navigating through financial restructurings, can provide a roadmap for innovative financial strategies during economic downturns. This entails a comprehensive understanding of the market and the ability to foresee and act on shifts in the financial landscape effectively. “Special situations require a special mindset. It’s not just about investing; it’s about strategically positioning yourself to deploy capital when others are afraid and confused.”


As the economic horizon shows signs of possible turbulence, borrowers must adopt a multifaceted strategy that includes early action, proactive creditor engagement, and creative financial solutions inspired by special situations investing. Drawing from the experiences and strategies of seasoned investors like Juan Espinoza offers valuable lessons in resilience and adaptability. By preparing in advance and adopting a strategic approach to liability management, borrowers can navigate the challenges of an economic downturn more effectively, positioning themselves for recovery and growth as market conditions improve.  Opportunistic investors can also benefit from a special situations approach, provided they have built the proper skillset to deploy capital in complex scenarios that are likely not suitable for the average investor.

Published by: Holy Minoza

Unveiling Success: Kathryn Nowak’s Authenticity and Resilience as Catalysts for Triumph

Kathryn Nowak stands as a testament to the power of authenticity and resilience in achieving true fulfillment and triumph. As an entrepreneur, artist, and activist, Kathryn’s journey has been defined by her unwavering commitment to staying true to herself and persevering in the face of adversity.

Raised in a small town with big dreams, Kathryn learned early on the importance of authenticity in navigating life’s challenges. Rather than conforming to societal expectations or sacrificing her values for the sake of success, she remained steadfast in her beliefs, allowing her true self to shine through in everything she pursued

For Kathryn, authenticity is not just a personal virtue—it’s also a key ingredient for success in business and in life. By embracing her unique perspective and harnessing her creative talents, she has been able to carve out a niche for herself in industries as diverse as fashion, hospitality, and digital art.

Photo Courtesy: Kathryn Nowak

But perhaps Kathryn’s greatest strength lies in her resilience in the face of adversity. Throughout her journey, she has encountered numerous setbacks and obstacles, from financial struggles to self-doubt and uncertainty. Yet, it was her ability to bounce back from these challenges and keep moving forward that ultimately led her to success.

Two years ago, Kathryn’s resilience was put to the test when she discovered the potential of Web3 and NFTs to revolutionize the art world. Intrigued by the possibilities of blockchain technology and decentralized platforms, she dove headfirst into this new frontier, undeterred by the uncertainty that lay ahead.

Through her work in the digital realm, Kathryn has continued to embody the values of authenticity and resilience that have guided her throughout her journey. By staying true to herself and her vision, she has been able to navigate the complexities of the digital landscape and emerge as a trailblazer in the world of digital art and technology.

As Kathryn’s journey continues to unfold, one thing remains abundantly clear: she is not just a success story, but a beacon of hope and inspiration for others. Through her unwavering commitment to authenticity and resilience, she reminds us all of the power we hold to overcome obstacles, achieve our goals, and create a life that is truly fulfilling and meaningful.

To learn more about Kathryn Nowak, visit her website.

Published by: Nelly Chavez

Dr. Sarah Sun Liew’s Diverse Path: Pioneering in Nonprofits, Real Estate, and Technology

“From Teaching to Triumph: Dr. Sarah Sun Liew’s Entrepreneurial Odyssey” unveils the extraordinary journey of Dr. Sarah Sun Liew, whose life narrative intertwines education, entrepreneurship, and an unwavering commitment to philanthropy. Hailing from An-dong, South Korea, a city renowned for its scholarly heritage, Dr. Liew’s roots are deeply embedded in a family legacy celebrated for its contributions across education, politics, defense, and medicine. This foundational backdrop set the stage for Dr. Liew’s remarkable trajectory, which saw her migrating to the United States at 24, embarking on an unparalleled path of educational excellence and pioneering entrepreneurship.

Before her American sojourn, Dr. Liew was already a recognized figure in her native South Korea, dedicating herself to roles that spanned from educational endeavors as an English and SAT teacher to religious and community service as a Sunday school director and assistant pastor. These early ventures into community service and professional realms underscored her innate drive to foster personal and communal growth—a trait that would define her ensuing ventures across the globe.

Dr. Liew’s educational journey is distinguished by her pursuit of advanced academic credentials, culminating in a Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) from Pacific State University with a specialization in the complex interplays of international trade, e-commerce, IT, and finance. This pursuit of knowledge was further enriched by postdoctoral studies in biblical preaching, Christian sales, marketing, and nonprofit management, along with advanced courses from world-renowned institutions like Harvard, Wharton, and MIT.

Transitioning her scholarly pursuits into real-world applications, Dr. Liew ventured into the realms of fintech, real estate, and legal services with notable leadership positions, including CEO roles at MPS Merchant Services Group and Meridian Beverly Hills Realty and Management Inc. Her tenure in these roles not only showcased her business acumen but also her innovative approach to fostering economic development and supporting the American dream for a broad demographic through job creation and legal services.

Moreover, Dr. Liew’s spiritual and community service, particularly through her leadership at the Global Jesus Mission Church and the 501(c)(3) nonprofit Meridian Business Legal Investment Wish Foundation Inc., highlight her commitment to leveraging her wealth of knowledge for the greater good. These platforms have enabled her to contribute significantly to IT, business, legal, and real estate education, underscoring her passion for empowering small business owners, the youth, and other community members.

Dr. Liew’s foray into the political arena, with candidacies for U.S. Congress and intentions for the U.S. Senate, underscores her conviction in the transformative power of informed and principled leadership to address pressing societal issues. Her political engagement is complemented by academic endeavors in public policy and leadership, preparing her to contribute meaningfully to the nation’s political discourse.

Her philanthropic efforts extend across a spectrum of community and charitable organizations, with accolades from esteemed bodies such as the Korean American Chamber of Commerce of Los Angeles attesting to the impactful breadth of her work across various fields.

Dr. Liew’s influence transcends her immediate professional and philanthropic engagements, extending into media and authorship where her insights on law, politics, business, and more have garnered significant attention. Her collaboration with Brian Tracy on the bestseller “Succeeding in Business in Any Market” and her extensive portfolio of forthcoming publications affirm her status as a thought leader committed to sharing her insights with a broader audience.

In the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, Dr. Liew’s initiatives have provided critical support to businesses, illustrating her dedication to economic recovery and growth. Her legal and immigration services continue to offer essential assistance, highlighting her commitment to facilitating opportunities for advancement and development.

Dr. Liew’s journey from an educator to an entrepreneur and a political candidate reflects a life dedicated to innovation, leadership, and the service of others. Her work across investing, legal services, and entrepreneurship has not only garnered wide recognition but also made a tangible difference in the lives of many. Her story is a beacon of inspiration, demonstrating the impact of passion, perseverance, and a service-oriented mindset on achieving remarkable success and driving lasting change.

As Dr. Liew continues to expand her legacy, her odyssey from teaching to triumph serves as a compelling testament to the transformative potential of education, entrepreneurship, and philanthropy in shaping a better future. Her life’s work emphasizes the critical role of interdisciplinary knowledge, innovation, and a commitment to societal well-being in crafting impactful legacies. Dr. Liew’s entrepreneurial journey encapsulates a visionary’s roadmap to success, marked by profound achievements and a lasting commitment to societal progress.

For those inspired by Dr. Liew’s journey or seeking to collaborate in her mission to empower communities and foster economic growth, myriad opportunities await. Engaging with her educational platforms, supporting her philanthropic endeavors, or exploring investment opportunities with Dr. Liew opens avenues for personal growth and the chance to contribute to a more equitable, prosperous, and innovative future.

Discover more about Dr. Liew’s vision and mission through her campaign website For inquiries, contact Global Jesus Mission Church at or visit their website at Those interested in the Meridian Credit Card Processing Job Training Program can find more information or enroll in upcoming classes at or reach out via email at


Published by: Raf Aspillaga

From Warsaw to Urbanization: Tomasz Dowbor’s Impact on Angola

Tomasz Dowbor, a versatile entrepreneur born in Warsaw in 1974, has become a notable figure in both Polish and Angolan business industries. His venture into Angola in 1994 by an invitation from a friend, marked the beginning of his professional journey. Quickly recognizing the potential of Angola as the canvas for his professional aspirations, Dowbor has since been working on the creation and development of diverse business initiatives. Over the years, his dedication has significantly impacted the Angolan market, particularly in the construction sector, earning him recognition for his influential contributions.

Tomasz completed his primary education in a public school and secondary education in a private institution in the same city. His formative years were marked by a blend of diverse educational experiences. His academic journey took a turn as he pursued a degree in Theology and Philosophy at the Catholic Academy of Theology in Warsaw. This academic background provided him with a perspective that proved to be invaluable in his future business startups. Further enhancing his skills, Dowbor later earned a postgraduate degree in Business Management from the Catholic University of Lisbon, Portugal.

With over three decades of experience in the Angolan market, Tomasz Dowbor has established himself as a renowned personality in the implementation, development, and management of real estate projects. His portfolio boasts the successful delivery of more than 10,000 residences across 15 distinct real estate projects. Notable among these projects, are “Vereda das Flores,” “Ville Vermount,” “Solida Plaza,” “Real Park,” “Infinity I,” “Infinity II,” and “Joias do Camama.”

Currently leading the construction of Angola’s largest urbanization, “Urbanização Boa Vida,” Dowbor, in collaboration with his brother Wojciech Dowbor, invested over one hundred million US dollars between 2014 and 2016. This project, with its 5,800 residential units, reflects Dowbor’s commitment to contributing to the economy of Angola by providing both housing and significant employment opportunities despite challenges such as COVID-19 and macroeconomic issues.

Beyond his success in the business world, Tomasz is also a socially conscious entrepreneur with a heart dedicated to philanthropy. His extensive philanthropic initiatives reflect a strong commitment to societal betterment. Initiatives like “Talentos Angola” highlight his investment in the capacity-building of young nationals, while “Embaixadores Boa Vida” exemplifies widespread social action throughout Angola.

From providing employment opportunities for recent graduates through “Feira da Arquitetura” to organizing “Festival da Saúde” for free medical consultations, Dowbor’s philanthropy spans various sectors. His support extends to humanitarian efforts such as blood donation campaigns, mega sporting events, and significant donations to drought victims in Cunene. The breadth of his charitable contributions, including “Natal Solidário” with 500 children in Caxito, outlines Dowbor’s dedication to making a positive impact on the lives of Angolans across different communities.

In the face of current challenges, including the complexities of the post-COVID-19 pandemic and broader macroeconomic issues, Tomasz remains a leader, seeking innovative solutions for the Boa Vida Group. His energy is evident in the ongoing construction of “Urbanização Boa Vida,” Angola’s largest urbanization project. Despite the hurdles, Dowbor, alongside his brother Wojciech Dowbor, has invested significant resources and two years of dedicated effort. As they navigate challenges, the Boa Vida Group strives to accommodate over 80,000 individuals with 5,800 residential units, creating more than 4,500 direct jobs and 10,000 indirect jobs.

Dowbor’s multifaceted journey from Warsaw to becoming a prominent figure in Angola’s business sector exemplifies a remarkable fusion of entrepreneurial acumen and philanthropic commitment. Leaving his birthplace behind, Dowbor’s decision to venture into Angola in 1994 laid the groundwork for a career that earned him significant achievements in the construction industry. With a diverse educational background in Theology and Philosophy, coupled with a postgraduate degree in Business Management, Dowbor has demonstrated a deep approach to his professional endeavors.

His three-decade-long career showcases an impressive portfolio of real estate projects, including the ongoing monumental “Urbanização Boa Vida.” Beyond business success, Dowbor’s philanthropic initiatives show his dedication to societal betterment, impacting education, healthcare, and humanitarian causes. As he faces ongoing challenges, Dowbor’s proactive approach and commitment to solutions continue to define his role as a transformative force in Angola’s economic and social sector. The future outlook for Tomasz is one of continued impact and positive contribution to the nation’s growth.

Published by: Martin De Juan

Transformative Success: Dustin Lash’s Journey to Forging 7-Figure CEOS

By Seraphina Quinn

Dustin Lash, an entrepreneur making waves in the business coaching scene, brings a refreshing human touch to the often technical business world. His journey, starting as an online fitness trainer, swiftly propelling him into the million-dollar echelons, is not just about financial success but a testament to his passion for empowering others. Elite Academy, Dustin’s brainchild, transcends being just a business; it’s a dynamic platform where he generously shares the strategies that catapulted him to success, shaping the destinies of budding fitness coaches.

Dustin’s success isn’t measured solely in dollars but in his resilience and genuine desire to witness others succeed. Elite Academy isn’t your run-of-the-mill company; it’s a nurturing space where fitness coaches can learn the ropes and grow into successful entrepreneurs, mirroring Dustin’s journey.

His approach extends beyond the typical success metrics. It’s not merely about hitting that million-dollar milestone but imparting a profound understanding of the industry. At the core of Elite Academy’s ethos is the commitment to building, branding, and forging 7-figure CEOs—these aren’t just catchphrases; they encapsulate the essence of the transformative journey Dustin guides others through.

Dustin’s career highlights are nothing short of impressive—over $10 million in revenue, the prestigious Two-Comma Club award, and the establishment of three different 7-figure businesses. Beyond personal success, he’s become a guiding beacon for others navigating the dynamic world of online fitness coaching.

Peering into the future, Dustin remains far from complacent. The goal for him and Elite Academy transcends merely maintaining their current standing; it’s about scaling to $1 million in months. Yet, this audacious goal isn’t just about financial ambitions; it’s rooted in a vision to continually impact and uplift the community of fitness coaches, fostering a ripple effect of success.

In a world often inundated with grand claims and jargon, Dustin’s story offers a refreshing reality check. It’s not about intricate strategies or hidden formulas; it’s about dedication, a genuine passion for the craft, and a sincere willingness to guide others on the path to success.

Elite Academy isn’t just a business entity; it’s a living example of how one individual can shape an entire industry. As Dustin Lash leads the way, his journey becomes an open invitation for others to join a community dedicated to achieving greatness, not just in terms of financial success but in the lasting impact they create.

In a landscape sometimes obscured by flashy promises, Dustin Lash and Elite Academy emerge as a reminder that success isn’t an abstract dream; it’s something tangible, sustainable, and, most importantly, achievable. As the narrative of Dustin Lash and Elite Academy unfolds, it’s a story of empowerment, guidance, and the untapped potential within each aspiring fitness coach to evolve into a 7-figure CEO.

Dustin’s journey teaches us that the essence of success lies in simplicity — in the authenticity of one’s purpose and the willingness to share the journey with others. It’s a reminder that the road to greatness is not a solitary path but a collective journey where each success story contributes to the larger narrative of an industry evolving and thriving.

2024 Resolution: Acquire a Thriving Business from a Retiring Entrepreneur

The end of 2023 is fast-approaching, which means that it’s time for everyone to set their New Year’s resolutions and plan for success in 2024. Seasoned professionals with over a decade of experience and a desire for more freedom are encouraged to set their sights on acquiring a thriving small business from a retiring entrepreneur in 2024. This resolution can inspire future success, encouraging entrepreneurs to tap into the wealth of opportunities available in the evolving world of small business mergers and acquisitions. 

Success rates in SMB M&A far outshine those of traditional startups, making the decision to acquire an existing business a lower-risk endeavor. The current demographic landscape further enhances the appeal, with over 15 million baby boomer-owned businesses poised for a change in ownership over the next decade.

Acquiring an existing business offers inherent advantages. With established goodwill, operational efficiency, an existing customer base, and a financial track record, the risks typically associated with entrepreneurship are partially mitigated. In certain cases, strategic financing options add an extra layer of flexibility, allowing the industry to flourish even in the face of challenges like high interest rates and economic downturns.

Josh Levine, Co-Founder & CEO of Private Market Labs (PML), spearheads an innovative approach to facilitating the SMB M&A market. His unique background in public policy and entrepreneurship fuels PML’s commitment to making the small business M&A market more efficient. Leveraging technology, PML operates at the intersection of finance, organizational analysis, and public policy, working directly with stakeholders across the ecosystem.

PML addresses a critical need in the market, focusing on the unprecedented convergence of two major trends: the mass retirement of business owners and advancements in technology. The platform, powered by AI, connects retiring business owners with a new generation of entrepreneurs.

Unlike other platforms, Private Market Labs employs advanced AI algorithms to organize broker-represented small business data and connect it with buyers based on their precise acquisition criteria. The groundbreaking approach ensures a more efficient and precise matchmaking process, addressing the inefficiencies prevalent in the traditional SMB M&A sector.

Levine’s public policy background and game-theoretic approach set him apart in an industry dominated by MBA graduates. His unique perspective views challenges as opportunities for optimization, using technology and theory to grow access, transparency, and opportunity in the industry. Levine advocates for thoughtfully acting on instincts to achieve self-actualization. These calculated risks, while not always successful, have been essential for both personal and professional growth.

Heading into the future, Private Market Labs envisions becoming a leading force in the SMB M&A arena, characterized by innovation, societal impact, and a commitment to inclusivity. PML aims to democratize access to business ownership by broadening access for more diverse entrepreneurs and investors, contributing significantly to the broader business space.

As 2024 unfolds, the resolution to acquire a small business is a strategy that aligns professionals with the dynamic shifts in the SMB M&A sector. Private Market Labs looks to champion this strategy, unlocking success for the next generation of business owners.

Innovating Tomorrow: Nick Maciel’s Uncharted Entrepreneurial Journey with Cadversity LLC

In the dynamic landscape of modern entrepreneurship, one name is emerging as a beacon of innovation and success: Nick Maciel. At the age of 23, this trailblazing entrepreneur has not only carved out a niche for himself but has also elevated others on the path to success through his company, Cadversity LLC.

Nick Maciel, a 23-year-old mechanical engineering prodigy from the United States, embarked on his professional journey after attaining both Bachelors and Masters degrees in Mechanical Engineering. His early career saw him navigating the corridors of giants like Apple and various startups in Boston, where he realized the need for a platform that values innovation and fosters the growth of inventors and small product brands.

The Genesis of Cadversity LLC

The frustration of having his opinions undervalued fueled Nick’s decision to pivot from traditional employment. In the spirit of entrepreneurship, he founded Cadversity LLC, a venture aimed at providing turnkey, affordable product development, and retail readiness solutions. The company’s mission is clear: empower inventors and small brands to thrive in a competitive market.

Milestones and Achievements

In just its first year, Cadversity has left an indelible mark on the industry. With over 24 clients served, the company has not only achieved six figures in revenue but has also doubled its referral base. Notably, Cadversity has forged partnerships with industry leaders like Paperless Parts, solidifying its position as a trusted player in the product development arena.

Nick Maciel’s leadership has not gone unnoticed, with Cadversity receiving the prestigious DesignRush CAD Solutions Provider of the Year North America 2023 award. The Better Business Bureau (BBB) has also acknowledged the company’s commitment to excellence with an A-Grade Accreditation.

Looking Forward: Future Goals

Nick Maciel’s vision extends beyond the current success of Cadversity. The entrepreneur is set to launch ShelfLeads, a subsidiary focused on providing product brands with cutting-edge lead acquisition software and systems for successful offline retail campaigns. This move aligns seamlessly with Nick’s commitment to supporting inventors, as ShelfLeads aims to empower brands with the tools they need to thrive in the retail space.

Additionally, Cadversity is set to roll out its Chief Product Coaching platform, offering personalized 1:1 support to disenfranchised inventors. This move underscores Nick’s dedication to fostering innovation at an individual level, ensuring that no creative mind goes unnoticed or unsupported.

The Impact of Cadversity’s Approach

What sets Cadversity apart is its holistic approach to product development. Nick Maciel has created an ecosystem where inventors not only receive expert guidance but also benefit from a supportive community. This collaborative spirit has proven instrumental in the success of Cadversity and its clients.

The company’s commitment to inclusivity and empowerment is evident in its achievements and future goals. As Cadversity continues to grow, Nick Maciel’s influence on the entrepreneurial landscape becomes increasingly pronounced. His story serves as an inspiration to aspiring innovators and underscores the importance of resilience, vision, and a passion for positive change.


As we look to the future, Nick Maciel stands as a testament to the power of vision and determination in the entrepreneurial world. His journey with Cadversity LLC showcases not only his personal triumphs but also the potential for positive change in the industry. With an impressive array of achievements and future plans, Nick Maciel is a name to watch, and Cadversity LLC is undoubtedly a force to be reckoned with.