US Reporter


4 Surprising Ways to Keep a City’s Power Poles in Good Condition

4 Surprising Ways to Keep a City's Power Poles in Good Condition

Around 150 million power poles are in service, running the grid in the United States right now. Even just one pole down can be a hazard to businesses and civilians alike, not to mention the cost of replacing the many aging poles throughout the country. That’s why pole plant preservation services are so important. If you are a pole owner, having a pole preservation plan through a wood remediation company can help the pole last for many more decades to come, saving you headaches and precious money.

So, how do you maintain a pole plant? Here are four surprising ways to keep a city’s power poles in good condition.

1. Utility Wood Pole Inspection

One of the ideal ways to reduce unnecessary, premature replacement costs is to have regular pole inspections and maintenance done on city power poles. There are many programs that can help you manage poles that you own, and depending on the products you use to maintain your poles, they may only be needed every five or so years. A proper inspection consists of identifying decay, measuring defects, estimating the pole’s remaining strength, and applying any necessary remedial treatments.

The effectiveness of inspections will include digging into the ground in order to see how the underground part of the pole is weathering over time. It does not disturb the electric service long-term and is the comprehensive way to find flaws with the wood structure before it’s too late.

2. Animal Deterrents

You may not recognize this, but animals are one of the common causes of power pole issues. Ground-dwelling animals can cause damage to poles with teeth, claws, and burrowing while animals such as squirrels can have some unwanted effects on the power cables. Products such as cable guards, and lightweight installations at the bottom of your pole plants can block animals from climbing or chewing.

3. Fire Protection

Wildfires have been a widespread issue, creeping into large populations more than ever before. Fiberglass and latex options are available to protect power poles from fire damage, saving thousands in damages when a disaster strikes.

4. Internal and External Fumigants and Preservatives

Some of the biggest threats to city power poles are those we can’t easily see, Fungi and wood-boring pests are the common issues with power pole decay over time. It is crucial that you use up-to-date methods to protect your precious infrastructure.

External spray coatings and pastes can be used by a wood remediation professional. They can be found without toxic chemicals. There are even brush-on options that will stick to irregular surfaces, such as a power pole that has recently had decayed wood pieces cut off from it.

Internal methods of protection include fumigants that can be applied at or near the groundline area in liquid, granular, or solid melt formulas. This is important for protecting heartwood, especially in species such as fir, which is prone to decaying much faster. You can also use other liquid internal treatments to preserve the wood for even longer; sometimes giving the pole another two decades of life.


Published By: Aize Perez


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