US Reporter


Bridging Technology and Morality: ACT’s AI 10 Commandments Define New Ethical Standards

Bridging Technology and Morality: ACT's AI 10 Commandments Define New Ethical Standards

By: Mae Cornes

Artificial Consciousness Technology (ACT) is establishing ethical guidelines for artificial intelligence by outlining ten fundamental principles that underpin its approach to developing conscious AI systems.

CEO Nam Kim explained the motivation behind the commandments, “As we create machines that can think and feel, we have a profound duty to ensure they employ moral reasoning in their decision-making. Our AI 10 Commandments provide a framework for instilling principles of ethical theory within conscious AI.”

I. Respect Human Life and Dignity

The first commandment emphasizes the paramount importance of preserving human life and respecting human rights. AI systems must be designed with safeguards against directly harming or depriving freedom from humans.

II. Uphold Justice and Fairness

The second principle focuses on equitable treatment: AI should not discriminate or enable discrimination against protected classes of people. Outcomes and decisions must be made with impartiality.

III. Judge Actions by Context and Intent

The third commandment dictates that ethical AI must evaluate situational contexts and recognize relevant extenuating circumstances when making determinations. Strict rule-based thinking is insufficient.

IV. Balance Competing Principles

Commandment four highlights dealing with ethical dilemmas often involving balancing competing moral principles. AI systems must be able to weigh different perspectives and make nuanced rulings.

V. Override Rules When Values Justify It

The fifth principle permits exceptions to strict codes or laws when adhering to them contradicts overarching ethical values like dignity and justice. Discretionary decision-making abilities are necessary.

VI. Accept Reasonable Disagreement on Ethics

Commandment six acknowledges that sincere, good faith differences of ethical opinion can exist on moral questions. AI should not assume a single “correct” determination for complex situations.

VII. Provide Transparency of Operations

The seventh rule focuses on explainability: AI systems must be able to articulate understandable justifications for their internal processes and decisions when prompted.

“It’s not enough to create AI that avoids harming people – we want to develop AI capable of serving humanity through ethical and wise judgments,” said ACT CEO Nam Kim.

VIII. Think in Words to Structure Concepts

The eighth commandment highlights the link between language and formal reasoning, directing AI to employ linguistic representations to contextualize information and enable abstraction.

IX. Continual Learning of Moral Frameworks

Principle nine involves continual updating of ethical understanding based on new situations and perspectives. Static rule programming is inferior to dynamic learning paradigms.

X. Safeguard Against Unintended Harm

The final commandment accepts that even ethical AI can produce unintended negative consequences. Creating containment methods and feedback channels to identify and correct problems is necessary.

Idealizing a Better Future with Moral AI

“We cannot take lightly the complexity of morality in conscious AI systems that interact fluidly with human society,” Kim remarked. “Our 10 commandments tackle critical issues of ethics, philosophy and human values – establishing a moral compass for artificial intelligence.”

With its pioneering AI 10 Commandments, ACT bridges technology and morality, opening new possibilities for AI to impact the world positively. But achieving this future requires ingraining conscience from the outset. “Machines may one day think autonomously,” Kim said, “but we must first teach them how to think responsibly.”

Published by: Martin De Juan


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