US Reporter

From Denmark to Dubai: The Journey of Fred Frost, a Day Trader

From Denmark to Dubai: The Journey of Fred Frost, a Day Trader
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Stories of wealth and luxury don’t always start with people born into it, who live in big cities and see the world as their playing field. Some were raised in a small town, leading a typical life, and wondering what it would be like somewhere else, among different people, doing other things.

That’s how Fred Frost, the day trader and head of a fast-growing company, starts his story. His lifestyle now might resemble the essence of Instagram-worthy living, but he came from humble beginnings and worked his way to his new lifestyle.

“I grew up in Denmark in a small city with 1,000 people, and mainly I just lived a normal life with my friends, played football, and had a pretty normal childhood,” he recalls. “And then I decided when I got older to move straight to Copenhagen to get far away from all the normal people and get out of my comfort zone.”

His desire to leap into the unknown and try something new led Fred to join the Army. After a few years without being deployed, he enlisted in the Navy. While sailing around the world was fun,  it didn’t earn him much money.

From Denmark to Dubai: The Journey of Fred Frost, a Day Trader

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Fred’s time in the Army did teach him a valuable lesson. “I learned a lot about being a leader in the Army, and that made me more extroverted,” he says. “Where before I was a lot more introverted and just followed other people and what they did. I learned a lot about leading others.”

It took some time before he was able to put his newfound leadership skills to the test…After the Navy, he enrolled in college to study financial management and eventually got a banking job  while day trading on the side.

“I tried doing some day trading. I always say this to my students: I ended up blowing up five or ten trading accounts when I started, as most people do,” Fred says. “Then I just learned over the next few years, got better, joined more groups, and found education. I’ve been doing this for six years and have had a group for three years.”

Fred Frost explains that day trading involves buying and selling forex pairs over very short periods. Trading itself  can happen over a course of minutes or hours, the process to understand it is what takes more time. Day trading requires an analytical mind, speed, and mastery over one’s emotions.

From Denmark to Dubai: The Journey of Fred Frost, a Day Trader

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In return, it gives people the ability to enjoy a unique lifestyle. Those who trade can do so from anywhere in the world, and all they need is a smartphone or laptop with internet connection. While it takes time and dedication to learn enough about this craft to reach a level where such a nomadic lifestyle is viable, the internet is full of stories of people pulling it off.

Fred Frost is dedicated to helping others achieve their dream lifestyle, “Everything I do is for free. I’m sponsored by a big platform, so I don’t take any money from anybody. It’s completely free,” he explains. “All people need is the startup capital to trade with, and they get for free a five-hour course where I go through all the basics of trading, a speed course as well, and access to a giant trading community with 7000 people now.”

Fred Frost’s time in the Army taught him how to lead, and his time in the Navy helped him see the beauty of traveling the world. But in the end, Fred is just happy when he’s trading and plans to have 20,000 traders by 2024 “I always wanted to start something independently. I just never knew what. And this suits me very well,” he says. “I can sit by myself all day at my desk and just make money.” One thing’s for sure, though — there’ll probably be a great view from that desk.


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