US Reporter



7 Vital Reasons Every City Needs a Residential Park

7 Vital Reasons Every City Needs a Residential Park

When correctly designed and well-maintained, residential parks are some of the best and most charming aspects of a city. They provide beauty and functionality, making them beneficial in any area. The following are only seven reasons every city needs one or more parks within its borders.  1. Outdoor Space to

Josh Norris on How to Get Started with Influencer Marketing

Josh Norris on How to Get Started with Influencer Marketing

By: Joshua Finley You may already know that influencer marketing grows brands at less than one-tenth of the cost of paid ads. But did you know that one mistake with influencer marketing can hurt your brand just as severely? Let’s explore how you can get started with influencer marketing for

4 Surprising Ways to Keep a City's Power Poles in Good Condition

4 Surprising Ways to Keep a City’s Power Poles in Good Condition

Around 150 million power poles are in service, running the grid in the United States right now. Even just one pole down can be a hazard to businesses and civilians alike, not to mention the cost of replacing the many aging poles throughout the country. That’s why pole plant preservation

7 Proactive Ways to Protect Your Home Against Burglars

7 Proactive Ways to Protect Your Home Against Burglars

While you might not want to give it much thought, home burglaries do happen. You need to be proactive to protect your home and family. We’re going to share with you seven great tips for helping to better protect your home from burglaries below. 1. Install Motion Sensor Lights Deterrence

It’s Never Too Early to Begin Retirement Planning

It’s Never Too Early to Begin Retirement Planning

By: Maria Williams Certified Financial Planner and Fiduciary of Watermark Wealth Strategies, LLC, Kyle Richardson Shares More on the Common Mistakes & Strategies from Clients When it Comes to Long-Term Wealth Planning. For many people, thinking about financial planning or long-term wealth planning can be extremely daunting, understandably so. There’s

Burning Heroes Awards- Celebrating US Startups

Burning Heroes Awards: Celebrating US Startups

By: Ksenia Vorontsova The Burning Heroes Global Startup Award recently celebrated its first US edition in partnership with Plug and Play, a renowned global innovation platform. Held at Plug and Play’s Silicon Valley headquarters, the event provided a platform for some of the most promising American startups to present their

Power Wheelchair- How To Safely Load Into Your Car?

How To Safely Load A Power Wheelchair Into Your Car?

Wheelchair transportation safety is a unique concern for power wheelchair users. The introduction of autonomous vehicles (AVs) designed with passengers in wheelchairs in mind is surely a great relief. Wheelchair tie-down and occupant restraint systems, or WTORS, are some of the critical components necessary for passengers’ safety. These systems lower

Olympic-Level Sportsmanship

Olympic-Level Sportsmanship

By: Geoffrey King How Table Tennis Prodigy Wu YouRuo is Rising Through the Ranks At the young age of 20, Wu Youruo has already made a name for herself in the fast-paced sport of table tennis. With the current 10th ranking among women, according to USATT, she has proven rapid

Yana Liner

Yana Liner: Mastering the Art of Tattooing

The world of tattooing has always been a realm of creativity, self-expression, and boundless artistry. For Ulyana Isupova, known in the industry as Yana Liner, tattooing is more than just a profession; it’s a journey of self-discovery and artistic exploration. Ulyana’s path in tattooing began in 2020 when she moved

Guiding High-Flying Students On and Off the Mat

Guiding High-Flying Students On and Off the Mat

Sports have always been a microcosm of life. On the surface level, sports are the struggle for victory. However, they are so much more. Competing is to push yourself and find your limits, sometimes even for a moment, surpass them. It is about respecting your opponents and yourself and working

The Power of a Different Lens: Dr. Michael T. Conner's Approach to Problem-Solving

The Power of a Different Lens: Dr. Michael T. Conner’s Approach to Problem-Solving

By: Isabella Cruz In the realm of problem-solving, traditional methods have long held sway, often characterized by linear processes and rigid frameworks. As the pace of change accelerates and complexities mount, there’s a growing recognition of the limitations of these conventional approaches. Enter agility – a dynamic paradigm that champions

Frederica Wald: A Luminary Voice for Women's Rights in the Corporate Arena

Frederica Wald: A Luminary Voice for Women’s Rights in the Corporate Arena

Frederica Wald is a notable name in the corporate world. With a professional role encompassing marketing, development, and communications, she is recognized for her success in corporate and not-for-profit (NFP) sectors. While her achievements in the corporate and NFP sectors are commendable, her advocacy for women’s rights sets her apart.

Kaia Ra on the Global Movement to Rediscover Sacred Feminine Wisdom

The exploration of Sacred Feminine Wisdom marks a journey into a realm where spirituality, history, and modern societal trends intersect. This concept, deeply rooted in ancient traditions and beliefs, is experiencing a resurgence in contemporary culture, compelling us to reexamine our understanding of gender, spirituality, and the forces that shape