US Reporter

VizAeras Introduces Game-Changing IoT-Based Sensor Designed to Monitor Healthy Indoor Environments

COVID-19’s outbreak and the host of social and economic implications that have arisen as a result of the pandemic drove home one point: talking about and promoting health is of utmost importance. In recognition, individuals, ventures, and countries alike are now placing a heavy premium on observing measures that can prevent diseases. Among the change-makers at the forefront of efforts to ensure the general population’s wellbeing is VizAeras, comprising a team of California-based innovators, recently launched a crowdfunding campaign to fund an indoor environmental quality (IEQ) product that is not only designed to bring more transparency, awareness, and access to health-building conditions but also help create safer, healthier, and more productive indoor spaces for those who occupy them. 

Founded in early 2020, this VizAeras whose name translates to “Visual Air” is spearheaded by a passionate and dedicated group of entrepreneurs with expertise in the areas of hardware, software, operations, finance, and in developing and marketing high-tech consumer products and integrated business solutions. With them in the lead, VizAeras has brought to life the concept of a small portable sensor that uses patent-pending platform technology and banks on state-of-the-art monitoring capabilities to allow people to measure and see pollution levels of inside a building or space before entering. 

At the core of this large-scale initiative is the overarching mission to make homes, classrooms, and businesses, and other indoor environments more conducive for residency and occupancy by minimizing indoor pollution levels and exposure. “We hope to maximize human health and performance in the places where we live, work, learn, heal, pray, and play,” shared the strategic minds at the helm of VizAeras, authorities who, from the get-go, have been highly cognizant of the considerable degree of risk that everyone faces every time they stay indoors. “Most adults and children spend up to 90% of their lives indoors and take about 20,000 breaths per day. Indoor spaces and exposure to indoor pollutants can seriously affect their health, productivity, test scores, and even business profits,” they added. 

VizAeras’ brainchild, the small, portable, plug-in hardware device called “indor” intends to assess indoor air pollution levels and environmental quality conditions inside homes, classrooms, offices, and retail businesses. By tracking and reporting levels of carbon dioxide, temperature, humidity, light, sound, exposure to chemicals, and more, people can now get their hands on comprehensive real-time pollution data for any space they visit. This portable, IoT-based sensor holds a lot of promise and is expected to be a game-changer because of its unique approach to monitoring IEQ. “It provides households and business operators with the ability to not only keep track and share access to healthy building conditions with occupants but also respond to any potentially harmful indoor conditions in real-time, which makes it possible to keep loved ones, employees, students, and customers safe, productive, and healthy,” explained the company’s co-founder and CEO, Carl Tautenhahn. 

“Just as Google mapped The Great Outdoors, I see VizAeras mapping, tracking, and monitoring The Great Indoors where we live, work, learn, heal, pray and play, essentially protecting the most valuable assets inside a building—its occupants,” he said.

Right now, VizAeras is continuously testing its IoT platform technology and preparing for the launch of Indor. With the growing emphasis given on indoor air quality and how it affects our health and productivity, due to high levels of Co2 and the airborne spread of COVID-19, it would be a no-brainer if it succeeds in becoming a staple product in the future like Nest or Ring.

More information about VizAeras can be found on its website here. You can also watch this YouTube video to learn more about the indôr product and support the brand’s crowdfunding efforts at StartEngine.


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