US Reporter

8 Holiday Gift Ideas Ideal for a Young Child

8 Holiday Gift Ideas Ideal for a Young Child

By: Jacob Maslow

Believe it or not, the holidays are right around the corner, which means now is the time to start brainstorming gift ideas for your loved ones. If you have young children in your life, it can be intimidating to choose the perfect gift. Here are eight gift ideas for the children in your life.

1. Arts and Crafts

Interactive, hands-on, arts and crafts are a great way to harness creativity in young children and to build and refine motor skills. Investing in a coloring book, paint set, or at-home pottery kit are great ways to keep the children interested and to help them grow and develop.

2. Musical Instruments

It is never too early to foster a love for the arts, which is why it’s a great idea to get your child a musical instrument! There are play versions of all sorts of different instruments – pianos, flutes, guitars, etc. A beginner’s instrument can create a love of music that will last for years to come.

3. Board Games

Another great holiday gift idea is something the whole family can play, such as a board game. Get something that the older siblings will find interesting, but that young children can follow along with. Investing in one board game for your small child can make family memories that will last a lifetime.

4. Outdoor Play Equipment

As we move to a more and more digital society, good old-fashioned outdoor play is sometimes overlooked. If you can, invest in a swing set or jungle gym for your backyard. This will encourage your children to get out of the house and enjoy the outdoors.

5. A Bicycle or Tricycle

Many of us have fond memories of spending our childhood summers riding bikes around the neighborhood. While your child may not be ready for a real bicycle yet, a balance bike is a great way to build the muscle memory needed to cycle and to set them up for success when they are ready for a big-kid bike.

6. A Book

Did you have a favorite book that you liked to read growing up? What better way to connect with your child than to pass along a book or story that they will reread and remember for years to come? There is a lot of research that story time when children are younger leads to better literacy habits as they get older.

7. A Pet

This is not for everyone, but if you have the bandwidth, getting a pet is a great way to teach your small child about responsibility and will give them a best bud to grow up with.

8. Costumes to Play Pretend

We cannot overstate how important the imagination is, and buying presents and toys that foster that imagination is priceless. Invest in toys that will help your kids play pretend for hours and you will not regret it.

Shopping for a small child can be tricky, but following these suggestions can help make the process easier.


Published by: Annie P.


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