US Reporter

8 Ideas to Keep Your Home Pest-Free During the Winter

8 Ideas to Keep Your Home Pest-Free During the Winter
Photo: Pexels

It is widely recognized that getting cozy and warm inside homes during winter is a source of comfort. Unfortunately, pests also view homes as warm and inviting places when temperatures drop. This is why many homeowners experience pest problems during the winter months.

As the outdoors get colder and food sources become scarce, mice, rats, and other pests often seek shelter inside homes. As expert hiders and scavengers, rodents can enter homes through tiny cracks and crevices without homeowners noticing until there’s a full-on infestation. These eight tips can help you keep a pest-free home this winter.

1. Seal Cracks and Holes

Start the cold-weather season by doing some pest-proofing work around your home. Seal up any cracks or holes on your home’s exterior that could be used as entry points by rodents and other pests. Don’t overlook areas where pipes and utility wires enter your home. Weatherproofing caulk and sealants can be purchased from your local hardware store. You can also secure entryways by adding foam or rubber.

2. Keep Firewood Away From Your Home

If you love to keep a roaring fire going all winter long, make sure your firewood doesn’t attract pests. Many people store firewood on a porch or inside a garage for easy access. Unfortunately, pests can easily hide within stacks of firewood. Firewood should be stored at least 20 to 30 feet away from your home.

3. Audit Your Window Screens

Do you see any broken or ripped screens covering your home’s windows? Do a check before winter comes. Spring and summer storms with high winds and hail can easily tear screens. Punctured or ripped screens provide easy access to little critters. It’s also important to make sure that intact screens are securely fitted.

4. Call in Pest Control Experts

If you’ve noticed telltale signs of pest activity at your home, don’t go the whole winter without taking care of the problem. Rodents and other critters can damage your home severely if they are allowed to stay all winter. This includes chewing wires, tearing insulation, and leaving behind droppings that can be dangerous to humans and pets. Pests can also reproduce in your home, increasing the problem by spring. By calling in a licensed Mississippi pest control company, you’ll be able to safely and effectively eliminate pests today while also deterring future infestations.

5. Don’t Bring Holiday Decor Inside Right Away

If you’re getting a live Christmas tree this year or bringing in branches for holiday decor, give natural objects a short breathing period before bringing them into your home. In addition to potentially bringing insects and their eggs into your home, natural Christmas trees can also hold bird nests that contain bird parasites and mites.

6. Store Food in Sealed Containers

If you store opened food packaging out in the open, you could be inviting critters into your home for a wintertime feast. Opened packages or “loose” food should be stored in airtight containers—this includes dry pet food!

7. Add a Chimney Guard

Does your home have a fireplace? It’s a critter access point, so make sure you have chimney guards installed.

8. Don’t Leave Hoses Running

Did you know that garden hoses create water sources that attract pests to your home? Allowing your hose to run can create standing water that feels like a wintertime watering hole for animals. Make sure to turn off your garden hose in the winter.

Published by: Holy Minoza


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