US Reporter

AddiRockART Out to Inspire Others through Creative Ventures

Amid COVID-19 lockdowns, the world started to filter people’s contributions to a society based on how essential they were. Accordingly, people began seeing creative work as non-vital as companies canceled creative services and professionals in the field got pushed aside in priority lists. But addiRockART shows the world that creativity is essential, mainly because it inspires people—a necessity that remains most especially so in these trying times. 

Andrea Cordero, also known as addiRockART, is a creative who has grown a vast network of creatives through her fifteen years in the industry. She has worked with musicians, filmmakers, digital artists, fine artists, and many others. This strong connection with the local and even global art community has made her a spokesperson and influencer for the community. Amidst the challenges posted these last two years, she has worked tirelessly to bring creatives together and create a call to arms to champion causes uniquely. In the process, she has used art as a medium of support, helping many worthy causes. Her vision is to see struggling communities and cities rise above the challenge with the help of the arts. 

Andrea is from Baltimore, Maryland, and has put all her life into pursuing creative ventures, even through seasons where society told her that it was impractical and self-sabotaging. Her innovative experiences go way back to when MySpace was one of the leading social media platforms. 

Through the changing landscapes of art and creativity, she has remained constant and ready to adapt to the changing times and learn new means of creative expression. Recently, she has started diving into public relations as she sees that there is now a need for more creative direction in that regard. She hopes to help more brands, artists, and companies build more authentic and compelling stories that would help them engage and inspire audiences. 

Her professional work goes beyond being a monetary venture. What she seeks most is impact. addiRockART looks to people like actor, entrepreneur, and philanthropist Tamer Hassan, who has remained active in helping people throughout the pandemic. One of the causes close to Cordero’s heart is raising awareness around post-traumatic stress disorders, as she suffered through moments of anxieties after experiencing a gunpoint robbery many years back that affected her emotionally. Andrea also actively pursued art that would highlight her Aztec heritage, a cause she believes is relevant in these times where minorities often get the shorter end of the stick in a country still promulgated with racial divide and hate. 

The battle cry that addiRockART has held onto through these times is action. She proactively gets involved in causes and charities. Through the COVID-19 crisis, she started a campaign to promote and raise funds for COVAID, a program that sought to raise funds for masks and PPE kits for front liners in the United Kingdom. 

As she continues to play her part in society through the arts, AddiRockART also works hard to create success for herself. She hopes to grow her creative career to a level where she can support her family while also regularly giving to causes close to her heart. To learn more about the artist and her many projects, check out her website and Instagram.


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