By: Viraj Shah
Businesses of any size cannot escape the impact the media plays on the rise or demise of their business. People talk and share their personal stories and experiences. This can be a helpful aid to growing a thriving business.
However, for a business to utilize its media presence properly, it must establish standards to monitor its media presence. Take a look at the 5 standards a business should develop to monitor its media presence.
One of the important aspects of monitoring media presence is to get everyone on the same page. It is not enough for standards to be merely thoughts in one’s head. Leadership must communicate these standards to everyone else on the team or within an organization.
Just about everyone uses social media. As a result, employees must be trained in how to support the growth of a business on these platforms rather than lead to its collapse. How will employees respond when comments are made on the business page or in groups? Who will respond? Questions such as these must be addressed, and training must be done to monitor media presence.
Routine Maintenance
It is not enough to check in and out of media platforms once a month. Depending on the size of the business, you may want to hire someone, whether an employee or independent contractor, to monitor your media presence. Oftentimes, daily maintenance is required to ensure you are staying on top of your brand image.
Listening and Responding
As questions and comments arise, how will you respond? How long will you let comments sit there that wage war on your business if left unanswered? This standard is closely connected to the previous two but deserves its own section.
Generally, it is a good idea to respond to inquiries in a timely fashion, much like you would a voice, text, or email message. It is also important to remember not to take things personally. Remember, you are the face and voice of the business. Maintaining a professional attitude is vitally important. Seek to understand your customers and, where possible, offer solutions to their problems. If possible, support what you are saying with links back to your site or other facts.
Choosing Wisely
Establishing brand awareness involves utilizing media platforms. But choose wisely. The more you use, the more you will need to monitor. Are you going to monitor your media presence? If so, how much time do you have to do it? How familiar are you with some of the platforms? If you are going to hire someone to monitor your media presence, what is the latest news on the effectiveness of the platforms? Should you spend a lot of time using one or two and consolidate your efforts?
Software Support
Finally, it could also be a wise choice to make use of helpful software. Various software on the market can be used to monitor comments, questions, metrics, and more. Such software can be helpful when there is a lot of work to do. It can help to target certain areas that need to be addressed and streamline the process.
Published by: Khy Talara