US Reporter


Gabor Kriston: Navigating the Digital Realm with Expertise and Ambition

Gabor Kriston: Navigating the Digital Realm with Expertise and Ambition
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At the age of 39, Gabor Kriston has carved a niche for himself in the digital landscape that extends beyond borders. Hailing from Hungary, he’s not just a tech enthusiast but a digital luminary with a track record that’s nothing short of impressive. As the founder of Expert Hub, Gabor has devoted twelve years to software development, and over the past eight years, his agency has worked with more than 150 clients, helping them amass millions in revenue.

A Decade-Long Odyssey

Gabor’s journey into the world of software commenced over a decade ago. He honed his skills over the years, making a name for himself with a profound understanding of user experience (UX), software development, behavior psychology, and the art of growth hacking. It’s this multifaceted expertise that forms the foundation of Expert Hub.

The Man Behind the Book

One of Gabor’s remarkable achievements is authoring the widely acclaimed marketing book, “Online Fastlane,” a literary gem that has captivated the Hungarian market. His book is a testament to his deep knowledge and insightful perspective on the ever-evolving digital landscape. It’s a resource that has benefited aspiring marketers and solidified his reputation as an authority in the field.

Innovating the Digital Space

Apart from his literary pursuits, Gabor is also a software wizard in his own right. He’s coded his software as a service (SaaS) applications, showcasing his hands-on approach to technology. But perhaps one of his most notable accomplishments is creating the largest online database of multi-million-dollar funnels. This digital treasure trove provides valuable insights and strategies for entrepreneurs and marketers alike.

Gabor Kriston: Navigating the Digital Realm with Expertise and Ambition

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A Track Record of Excellence

Gabor’s impressive professional career includes being the software lead on an e-commerce project with an astounding $1 billion yearly sales. He’s also served as the product owner for a multi-million-dollar startup, demonstrating his capacity to lead and deliver results on grand scales.

Hungary’s First Google Certified Web Specialist

Adding another feather to his cap, Gabor is Hungary’s first Google Certified Web Specialist. This recognition speaks volumes about his digital proficiency and unwavering commitment to mastering the field.

A Visionary’s Aspiration

As Gabor looks towards the future, his aspirations are nothing short of global. He aims to establish his website, as the quintessential navigation guide for the world of funnels. 

His latest innovation,, promises to cut the time of building new sales funnels up to 90%  by leveraging AI to reverse-engineer award-winning funnels that already generate millions of dollars of revenue per year.

But his ambitions don’t stop there; he also seeks to make a worldwide impact with his startup, BlissCompass, which is dedicated to supporting self-aware living globally.

Gabor’s journey is a testament to what passion, knowledge, and ambition can achieve in the digital age. His contributions to the world of software, marketing, and entrepreneurship are already substantial, and with his eyes set on a global impact, we can only expect greater things to come.

In an era where the digital landscape constantly evolves, a figure like Gabor is a valuable asset. His dedication to innovation, expertise in Software, and global vision make him a force to be reckoned with in technology and digital marketing.

Gabor is surely worth keeping track of. As he continues to tread the path of excellence, there’s no doubt that his journey will inspire many others to chart their course in the ever-expanding digital realm.

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