Maz Artang is a Canadian Entrepreneur and Founder of Aughdem Recruitment — a North American recruitment and executive search firm. The organization offers valuable alignment through advisory & various talent resources for private/public sector companies. With a mission of offering boutique alignment for growing companies, Maz has been able to differentiate the firm in the marketplace as a go to for meaningful recruiting solutions. Through meticulous selection of inquiries the firm receives for their services, Artang makes sure that each client that they take on gets the candidates & talent needed to take their organization to the next level. To learn more about Maz Artang & his organization Aughdem Recruitment, we sat down with him to learn more.
Integrity & Alignment Through Executive Search
Aughdem Recruitment falls under the sector of talent and recruitment services with a focus on advisory alignment and meaningful talent acquisition for the organizations that they represent. Artang went on to say “When we have selected an organization that fits our criteria to take on as a client, we become a representation of the company for their staffing efforts through either hands on bandwidth or discussionary review of positions with candidates provided by our firm.” The firm values integrity from both spectrums through both their opinions on who to hire to organizations that retain them & also the talent that they help find opportunities for.
Labor Shortages In Today’s Marketplace
Due to the ever changing landscape of today’s marketplace that the world has seen, now more than ever organizations are troubled when it comes to staffing and recruitment. For startups and organizations with high moral ethics and integrity for their employees, Aughdem Recruitment is here to help. Maz wants you to know that during such troubling times his firm is here to help. Artang went on to say: “We have found a sweet spot with pre-IPO and private sector start ups that are actively competing for top talent in the marketplace. Your typical recruiting firm isn’t going to provide the meaningful alignment and industry advice that we would with our boutique firm.”
The Future For Aughdem Recruitment & How You Can Find Them Unlike most organizations that are driven by profits and expansion, Aughdem’s mission vows to take care of their existing lean operation and those that they service for years to come. Through taking care of their existing talent and staff, the firm has seen their results and alignment with companies they service excel over the years as they have grown interpersonally as a team. With much to be said about the organization, Maz Artang is actively seeking qualified candidates for positions as well as companies that fit their go to market criteria for staffing and recruiting. If you are interested in learning more about Aughdem Recruitment, click here.