US Reporter

 Learn How Hamza Ali Achieved The American Dream Through Commercial Real Estate 

Hamza Ali is an American commercial real estate professional based out of Houston, Texas. With almost a decade of experience to date in the real estate sector dating back to 2013 when he moved to America — Hamza has quickly climbed the ladder of success. The talented entrepreneur came to America with the realization that he wanted to find his way and accomplish the daunted task of achieving the “American Dream.” Through trial and error, Hamza effectively scaled and built a commercial real estate portfolio and an online presence from the ground up one deal at a time. We sat down with Hamza Ali to learn more about his start in Entrepreneurship and how he was able to find his way to the top in the most competitive marketplace in the world — with little no aid or resources from the jump. 

Back Against The Wall

A common trait of successful entrepreneurs is the mindset of not having a plan B. For Hamza, his two options early on were to either find his way in America or go back home to the UAE. With his back against the wall, Hamza knew that the only option he would accept was to make it happen in the US. With such strong conviction & determination, Hamza was able to compete in the marketplace in commercial real estate and win with much to thank for his “no other option” mentality. Of course, Hamza didn’t make it all happen by just telling himself he’d make it — The talented tycoon also took massive action toward his goals daily. His repeated consistently and attitude allowing himself to make mistakes allowed Ali to stack progress into long term exponential results. 

Success Story 

After 7 years of grueling work, Hamza finally got a taste of success in a way most Entrepreneurs would only dream of. After building an equitable commercial real estate portfolio, Hamza was able to take advantage of the midst of the real estate cycle and exit his holdings for a whopping — $270,000,000.00 in 2020. When asked what advice he would give to someone just starting out in real estate, Hamza said: “Have a sense of urgency everyday, it’s the little wins and bits of productivity stacked up that lead to extraordinary results. Keep your head in the game and stay in your own lane.” 

Hamza’s online platforms on TikTok, YouTube, and Instagram now award him the opportunity to share some of his tricks of the trade for free with his followers and fans. Slowly but surely, ‘@hamzainvests’ is becoming a well recognized voice in the digital and non-digital space as an entrepreneur making waves. 

Future Goals & Alignment For Hamza
In the future, Hamza Ali is excited to build yet another portfolio in the commercial real estate space. His newest fund is capped at 15 million in AUM with goals of 2-3xing holdings in future acquisition and asset management. Hamza is also a philanthropist for his local community, as well as a family man. To learn more about Hamza Ali & or keep up to date with him, follow him on YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram — Click here.


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