US Reporter

Never Mind the Buzzwords

The advent of our global interconnectedness has caused a rapid change in how human beings communicate. A global language has surfaced out of all the interactions we do through the internet. As humans continue to interface with the latest technologies, we have come to a point where language has evolved to create new words that would define the latest trends of the global zeitgeist. 

Unfortunately, this evolution comes with a drastic price. If you’ve never heard of the word “buzzword” before, then prepare to be mildly annoyed because you’ve actually been hearing these words through the internet; you just haven’t realized what they’re called yet. 

Buzzwords are words that often derive from technical terms yet are actually far removed from any technical context. They’re those types of words that people use just to come off as cool, hip, and trendy. This buzzword epidemic has become a massive annoyance when it comes to advertisements, brands, marketing and the like. They’re just added fluff to the already existing noise on the internet. 

It’s true that they do catch on from time to time, and the initial use of a buzzword does imply a sense of gravitas. However, the tradeoff of hearing buzzwords ad nauseam just isn’t worth it. Once it’s been done to death, a buzzword often seems a little too forced. It comes off as just a cool and trendy word with little to no meaning at all. 

Most tech companies have taken this trend way too seriously, resorting to buzzword after empty buzzword just to make it seem like they’re a cool company that can do no wrong. It’s a gross misinterpretation of what it means to be an intellectual in the age of the internet. It’s often technical jargon that’s saddled with a hint of superiority that just rubs me the wrong way.

I know that language is meant to be celebrated and enjoyed, but where is the joy of language in words that often convey the meaninglessness of our mundane existence. It just doesn’t sit well with me. A barrage of buzzwords is the worst thing a brand could ever do. It just shows a lack of technical prowess, resorting to a flurry of empty (yet cool sounding) words to attract some attention. 

I wouldn’t want to go into too much of a tirade against buzzwords, as they do contain some form of merit. The merit lies in the fact that they’re massive red flags when used within the context of a brand’s ideals. It serves as a green light to just ignore something since you’re not going to get anything out of it, let alone understand a single thing.

Much like broken promises, buzzwords are a cautionary tale in and of itself. The good in it lies in the upfront horribleness of it all. Much like the buzzing of a broken machine, or the whirring noises of a clanking contraption, buzzwords are antique remnants of a phase on the internet where most of us were too optimistic. It just doesn’t work anymore, and it’s a trend that needs to die off at any given moment.


This article features branded content from a third party. Opinions in this article do not reflect the opinions and beliefs of US Reporter.