Very few people would make it their lifelong work to make a difference in the lives of people living with intellectual disabilities and mental health issues, but minister Ryan Kippes chose to take the road less traveled. Establishing Servant’s Heart Behavioral Clinic in 2017 was his response to the pressing need for well-meaning and highly skilled organizations that will cater to the unique demands of specific groups in society. With a special focus on communities of color and people with special needs, the organization is a thriving haven for those seeking compassion and care.
Servant’s Heart Behavioral Clinic was developed to provide behavioral health resources in the community, using a unique kind of approach behind all available therapies and services. By providing comprehensive and integrated mental health services, Ryan Kippes hopes to be able to improve the quality of life of his clients. Within the organization, the patients and their needs come first. Secondary to them are the employees who work tirelessly to make patients feel loved and cared for.
Kippes, as a minister, has worked with numerous individuals with intellectual disabilities since 2008. He was formerly the Program Manager for Abilities Inc. and the Senior Bilingual Case Manager at Paso A Paso Inc. He was also the force behind Adonai Inc., an HCS Medicaid waiver program established in 2011 that served the Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD) community all over Texas. Not only was Ryan Kippes able to cater to the needs of the most vulnerable people in the community, but he was also able to create jobs, from caregivers to therapists.
“I am passionate about the LGBTQIA and faith communities,” Ryan Kippes shares. “Servant’s Heart is all about dispelling the taboo of mental health and therapy. We are open and honest about our processes, and we pay our staff a living wage. Our therapists get a higher than average reimbursement for therapy hours worked 62% of the rate that is billed to the insurance. I also play rugby with a local gay and inclusive team called Lost Souls,” he adds.
In 2011, Ryan Kippes was diagnosed with cancer. Despite his delicate condition, he opted to continue his work while getting treatment to beat his cancer. As can be expected, he came out unscathed and even more energized to continue the work he started.
Ryan Kippes’ passion for helping underprivileged individuals and promoting inclusivity among communities is something that he sees going beyond Servant’s Heart Behavioral Clinic and his work as a minister. In the next five years, he sees himself as a congressman for the State of Texas, leading discussions on mental health. Doing this means being able to stand for the advocacies of the LGBTQIA community, people of color, and women who fight day by day to see change take place in society.
As he pushes forward with his idea of changing the mental health culture in America, he hopes to see more and more people receive the kind of support and help they need in order to live better lives. Ryan Kippes believes that much has already been done in the past years to promote relevant change, but there is still so much more that needs to be accomplished onwards. Meeting this challenge head-on is something that he sees himself doing long-term.
Learn more about Servant’s Heart Behavioral Clinic by visiting its website.