US Reporter


Union Rescue Mission’s Role In Helping The Homeless

Homelessness is a traumatic, dangerous, and humiliating experience. In the United States, the average age of death for the homeless is 45 for men and 43 for women.

Homeless people are about 17X more likely to become victims of violence. Over one-third of those sleeping on the streets have been intentionally hit, kicked, or subjected to other forms of harassment while homeless.

According to some research studies, homeless people are nine times more prone than the average population to commit suicide.

Based on a survey conducted in 2019, Skid Row inhibits one of the largest populations of approximately 4,200–8,000 homeless people in the United States. The place has been known for its considerable homeless population since the 1930s. Its long history of police raids, targeted city initiatives, and homelessness advocacy make it one of the most notable districts in Los Angeles.

When discussing the reasons for the existence of neighborhoods such as Skid Row in America, one topic that constantly comes to the forefront is poverty. Cities in every corner of the world, both developed and developing, are always poverty hotspots.

With its flexibility to immigration — and Los Angeles in particular as an entry point for many immigrants — America is exposed to the hardships of poverty. Many people who come to America consider it as a place where they can start afresh. However, they are frequently left with little to no resources.

Another primary reason for Skid Row’s existence is that the American political system and culture offer possibilities for people to achieve or fail on their own — while also providing a safety net for those who do not succeed. Many of these social services are concentrated in the downtown area. When people go through tough times, they gravitate to a place where these services are available, forming a community of service-dependent persons in that location.

To add a spiritual dimension, we must not forget that Jesus has commanded us in his disciples (Matthew 26:11) that “the poor will always be with us — every culture will have poor people because of the nature of this world.”

Union Rescue Mission – (URM)

Union Rescue Mission (URM) helps people with Christ’s compassion. It is a non-profit organization that was founded in 1891. It is now one of the largest rescue missions in the United States and the oldest in Los Angeles.

For nearly 130 years, people in trouble and despair have come to Union Rescue Mission for assistance. URM is dedicated to life-changing ministry through the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, as evidenced by the key values of respect, relate, redeem, and restore.

With the increased inflammation in the world today, it is nearly impossible to stop poverty. However, this does not mean we turn our backs on those suffering from poverty and homelessness. As a result, they have been subjected to a number of traumas that have worsened to the point that these homeless people have committed suicide.

Homelessness breeds hopelessness, which breeds suicidal thoughts; if the person is not assisted, they may commit suicide.

URM is working hard to reduce homelessness and hopelessness by guaranteeing that no one is turned away when they come to their door with the promise of improving their life.

Nevertheless, URM couldn’t have done it on its own. Sponsors like Peter Zepina have helped this non-profit organization succeed in its purpose and will continue to do so. You, too, can assist the homeless and serve the people in need by providing funds for education, food, counseling, medical care, and other fundamental necessities that any homeless person may require.

Visit URM’s website to learn more about the URM Community and how they are spreading happiness, assisting humanity, and making a significant difference in the lives of the homeless. 

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