US Reporter


10 Business Masterminds of 2022

In business, it is essential to be armed with the right expertise and a network of connections that promote leadership, learning, and empowerment. Most successful entrepreneurs receive support and encouragement that help propel them to the directions they want to pursue, ensuring quality for their clients and communities. 

1. Tony Robbins Platinum Partnership

The Platinum Partnership gives a group of serious players the opportunity to network and learn from Tony Robbins and his master teachers. With this annual commitment that is limited only to an exclusive group, members receive personalized coaching from the organization and can attend Tony’s live events whenever they want, as often as they’d like, and anywhere in the world. Membership also includes traveling to some of the most breathtaking destinations in the world. 

2. Aubrey Marcus Fit for Service


Fit For Service is a curated fellowship with some of the world’s top coaches and experts. It prides itself on its programs that provide members with a transformational experience, leaving them more equipped to tackle life’s challenges with absolute confidence. It is specifically designed to help members become physically, mentally, emotionally, financially, romantically, and spiritually fit, taking inspiration from their mantra, “All of you have a lion inside just waiting to emerge with a roar that says, “I am done playing small, I am done hiding my voice, I am done being the good girl, or the good boy. I would rather live one day as a lion than a thousand days pretending to be less than who I truly am.”


3. Alex Peykoff Satisfied Life Mastermind & Movement

Alex Peykoff is a serial entrepreneur, speaker, and best-selling author who co-founded the popular entrepreneurs’ mastermind “The Satisfied Life Mastermind and Movement.” The mastermind helps entrepreneurs looking to go to that next level, scale their companies on all fronts, and places them with eight, nine, and ten-figure a year entrepreneurs for mentorship and guidance to achieve more income, impact, and influence in the world.

Alex is also an author and motivational speaker who loves to help people realize their true potential by committing to advancing their goals. Peykoff’s best-selling book Get Your Satisfaction: A Short Guide to a Happier, More Satisfied Life provides readers with a systematic approach to achieving massive success while maintaining “life-work” balance and happiness. 

4. Mastermind Talks

A veteran entrepreneur, Gaignard is the founder of Mastermind Talks (MMT), a top-rated business podcast on iTunes and one of the world’s most exclusive events for entrepreneurs. His invite-only events convene brilliant minds who are key personalities in their respective fields. His work has been featured in multiple renowned publications such as Forbes, Life Hacker, and Business Insider.

More than 19,000 entrepreneurs worldwide have applied to be part of MMT since 2013. With an annual membership of 150, MMT is one of the most exclusive entrepreneur groups globally.


5. Genius Network

Genius Network is a well-recommended mastermind for experienced masterminders. Founded by Joe Polish, its membership consists of industry shapers and leaders who connect for networking, partnerships, and business. Members enjoy educational content, a digital network, and colossal annual events where they can learn from key personalities such as Tony Robbins, Peter Diamandis, and Richard Branson. Annual rate is between $25,000 and $100,000.


6. EO

Entrepreneurs’ Organization, probably the most well-known mastermind brand, has been dubbed as the 800-pound gorilla of masterminds since 1987 for its international network and membership spread near every major city. Its over 13,000 members are required to meet the standard of running a business over at least $1 million in revenue. Membership cost is minimal compared to other groups, and meetings are held locally and in-person tackling both life and business.


7. Titans Mastermind

Run by Brian Kurtz, the Titans Mastermind focuses on developing businesses into marketing machines. Brian is considered a master in direct response marketing, having mailed over 1.5 billion pieces of direct response mail throughout his career. He has worked with other well-known marketers who have regularly attended and spoken at his events. With his legendary experience, Brian shares his secrets with the group through their multiple in-person and online meetings. 


8. World Economic Forum


The World Economic Forum is a distinguished international organization for public-private cooperation, involving leaders in politics, business, and culture in shaping global, regional, and industry agendas.

Established in 1971 in Geneva, Switzerland, the Forum is a not-for-profit foundation centered on moral and intellectual integrity. It has continually strived to remain independent and impartial throughout its undertakings for entrepreneurship, prioritizing the global public interest with the highest standards of governance. 


9. Strategic Coach

Strategic Coach is a globally recognized leader in entrepreneurial coaching, having successfully helped 20,000 business owners accelerate their growth and profit in over thirty years. The success of its members can be attributed to its global community of experienced entrepreneurs, expert coaches, a wide array of tools for support, and in-depth strategy sessions.

As an organization managed by entrepreneurs for entrepreneurs, Strategic Coach offers useful business coaching workshop programs tailored to advance and enhance business and personal life results. 


10. Live for Livin


With the daily struggles of executive women in mind, Olenka Cullinan founded Live for Livin, a mastermind for driven women entrepreneurs who are leaders in six to eight-figure organizations globally.

Cullinan’s more than ten years of experience in her field encouraged her to create a space for women where they can find a balance between life and business while maintaining success and building connections. The mastermind also gives women the freedom to manage their lives based on their own terms.


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