US Reporter

Entrepreneur Chas Sampson is Helping Veterans to Live the American Dream

When Chas Sampson, Chairman and CEO of Seven Principles Group, takes a call from a military veteran who is struggling with the transition to civilian life, it is easy for him to respond with compassion. After all, he knows firsthand how difficult that transition can be.

In August 2010, Sampson transitioned out of the US Army, where he had served as a petroleum specialist. He says his transition was “smooth” compared to what is experienced by many of the vets he now helps. Still, it was not without challenges.

“There were several systemic delays that affected my income and ability to integrate into the civilian workforce,” Sampson explains. “During that time I became hyper-aware of what a lot of veterans are forced to endure. I experienced hopelessness, loneliness, high anxiety, and guilt because of the inability to properly provide for my family.”

This experience planted the seeds for Seven Principles Group, the organization he founded in 2014 to assist military personnel in their transition from military service.

Initially, Sampson ran Seven Principles from his kitchen table, providing free services to veterans for almost a year while he continued to work his day job with the federal government. But it soon became clear that Chas was providing a service for which many saw the need.

“Seven Principles was immediately successful because of our extreme niche market,” he explains. “We help the military and veteran community solve complex issues with Veterans Affairs that most firms avoid or are unwilling to manage. Early on we had law firms, real estate firms, mortgage lenders, and NGOs requesting partnership opportunities with our firm. It was then that I knew everything was coming together.”

Sampson describes the mission of Seven Principles Group as advocating for veterans and improving their lives through mentoring about military transitioning, VA disability claims, and entrepreneurship. Many of the issues the group confronts while pursuing the mission are best described as “complex.” To handle these complexities, Seven Principles provides its clients with access to a team of medical doctors, psychologists, attorneys, corporate executives, and, most importantly, former VA Raters, who bring an insider’s understanding to the VA’s process for processing claims.

After seven years of helping veterans with original VA claims, claims for increases, secondary claims, and appeals, Seven Principles’ success rate is an astounding 98.2 percent. Customers provide reviews that consistently describe the group’s work as “outstanding.”

Sampson’s commitment to his clients, which echoes what he was taught in the military, is to always place the mission first. In his present position, the mission is veterans, their families, their VA claims, and their military transition needs. He knows that those transitioning out of the military often face self-doubt and lack adequate guidance. By sharing their expertise as well as their personal experiences with transitioning, the Seven Principles team provides clients with the courage and know-how to thrive in civilian life.

“‘They called us for a reason’ is my personal motto,” Sampson says. “We take it personally if we cannot obtain results for our clients. We know that the service we provide literally changes their lives. There is nothing more gratifying or motivating to know than that we are consistently helping veterans across the globe.”

While Sampson and his team do not guarantee specific outcomes, they do guarantee that clients will find an advocate who is willing to fight for them in Seven Principles.

“Every day for the past eight years we have been earning the trust of military and veterans around the world,” Sampson says. “As a veteran myself who has dealt with some of the same issues as my fellow brothers and sisters in arms, I know how challenging it can be. I feel honored to be trusted by veterans as they navigate their transitions. And I do not take that trust lightly.”


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