US Reporter


New Year’s Resolution to Find Love? The Match Artist Can Help

The holidays can be the most stressful time of year, especially for those who are single. Between the months of October and February, there are at least FIVE separate instances for your family to gather and eye you accusingly when you show up without a date. “But you’re so good looking!” Grandma might say. “I don’t understand why you can’t find anyone to date.” 

Your family wants you to meet a nice partner with similar interests and values: someone who simultaneously makes you happy and cares for you so they don’t need to worry as much. However, you’ve been on the online dating apps for over a year, and your experiences thus far are not aligned with familial expectations.

Before you have to spend yet another Valentine’s Day explaining that yes, you are trying to date, but no, you haven’t found ‘the one’ because you can’t seem to match with anyone real on the dating apps, it might be time to reach out to the pros at The Match Artist. After all, they have experienced the struggle of online dating and made it out to the other side, alive and in love. They can help you create a dating profile by taking photos to help you stand out from the thousands of other guys who are trying to get their families off their backs.

“But you’re so good looking.”

While we know Grandma believes it, it can be difficult to believe in yourself when you feel like you can’t take a good picture to save your life. After a session with The Match Artist, however, you will see exactly what your grandma is talking about. 

The Match Artist sets itself apart from ordinary photographers by training clients in facial expression coaching, which helps them adjust their faces and body language so they look more natural and comfortable on camera, which automatically makes them more attractive to matches. Nick Friesen and Shane White, founders of The Match Artist, used facial expression coaching to not only increase their matches on the online dating platforms, but eventually to meet their wives. One client even said he matched with his current girlfriend because she liked how he communicated with his eyes. He told The Match Artist, “The coaching on eye movement in pictures is life changing.”

In addition to the coaching, The Match Artist doesn’t shoot in a studio. They understand that you look your best when you are doing the things you love and are comfortable in your environment. Because The Match Artist wants to capture your most charming side, they work with you in your home and at your local hangouts. Sometimes, they are even willing to get a little adventurous. “We tailor your photo experience to highlight things you enjoy doing most. Whether it’s kayaking, rock climbing, flying a plane, reading, or drinking coffee, you’ll get more matches with a varied profile that accurately shows who you are.” 

During the sessions, clients will take pictures in a variety of settings, outfits, and lighting so it looks like the photos were taken over time. The Match Artist also provides constant guidance on how to pose, where to look, and what to wear. They do all the thinking for you, so you only have to think about exuding the confidence and charm that Grandma swears you have. Nick Friesen says, “We’ll help you determine exactly what to wear, where to stand, and how to act so that there’s zero guesswork on game day, and all you have to do is show up.”

So they take good pictures. Big deal.

As it turns out, good pictures are the biggest deal when it comes to finding matches in online dating. Despite what people claim, profile pictures are the crucial first impression that determines whether users take notice or keep swiping. “The vast majority of people on dating apps will never read the bio without first being lured in by a photo that, for them, has potential.” The Match Artist clients see an almost immediate uptick in the quality and quantity of their matches. After their sessions with The Match Artist, the other dating app users are certainly interested to learn more. Clients even complain that they now have more dates than they can handle, just from changing their pictures.

One client said, “I put the pictures up yesterday, and now I’ve got a date tonight and tomorrow, and like 20 open conversations on Bumble. Definitely more than I have time for.”

The success rate is so high that several clients have gotten married to matches who were intrigued by their profile pictures. It even happened for Match Artist founders Nick Friesen and Shane White. They are proud that their efforts have led to even more connections, long-term relationships, marriages, and immeasurable love. 

On a side note, they have had so many people getting into new relationships from their photos that they launched a sister company focused on couples, engagements, and weddings called The Wedding Artist.

In addition to better photos and more matches, Match Artist clients walk away feeling like new men both in the dating game and beyond. A reviewer noted, “Now, when someone views my profile—be it a dating app or Facebook or LinkedIn—they’re seeing the best side of me.” In professional and personal environments, Match Artist clients have confidence and are ready to take on the world. 

No more holiday dread

tch Artist’s help, you won’t have to dread holiday family time. No more snide comments about your dating efforts or quiet pity for showing up without a significant other. You’ll finally have the answer that your family has been waiting for when they ask whether you’re seeing someone. After a session with The Match Artist, you could have a partner, the pictures, and the confidence that you have always wanted. 

Be the center of attention for a good reason and find the happiness you’ve been looking for. Contact The Match Artist today. 

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